Tag: machine
Lely Hibiscus Rake

Description Here is my rendition of fendt2468\’s Lely v.1.1 I have edited the logo and branding of this machine aswell as the dirt effect i have now made this get even dirtier (grassier) than before everthing else is the same as before. Credits SFM–Modding Re skinnet: Fendt2468 Re edit: bertwrfc
John Deere 9930 cotton picker mod

Description John Deere 9930 cotton picker This is a cotton picker machine. took over 200 hours to reach its final form. Please do not edit the model without my permission. if you have problems send me pm. thanks! enjoy Credits Model: Chrisp267 Textures: Chrisp267 Script: Chrisp267 {{{ Greece }}}
More Realistic Houle 6100

Description Frasercow‘s Houle 6100 has now been converted to work with Dural’s More Realistic Mod. The slurry tanker originally appeared in Frasercow‘s Houle Tanker pack and has been converted with kind permissions. The original mod has been preserved and only dynamics related changes have been made. Modifications include correct scaling and physics dimensions and weight distribution as well as dynamic traveling values, such as breaking and suspension adjustment. This tank fills from the hole in the top and is best used with Frasercow‘s Houle fill stand. The Houle fill stand must be attached to the manure pit via Giants Editor. ... Read more
Hello, I decedid to make some toplights for on your machine/vehicle just a nice edit for those who like a litlle extra detail just add them to your machine/vehicle in GE Credits Modell:Bjorny
Ford TW35
I found this on another website and thought i should share it on ls-uk. A fine machine for any job around the farm ;)No matter what the size Cheesy Special effects : Twin Wheels Twin Beacons and choose between either a front weight or front linkage! working speed display Horn Motorised steerable hireable Credits Original Uploader: Flemming83 Trelleborg: Luis Exhaust: oothomsen twin wheels: MB Belygtnung v3: Sven777b
Lely Lotus Stabilo
This is my edit of the Vicon Farex i have changed the paintwork and branding to make this into a Lely Lotus. I have tried to get this looking like the actual machine.Due to my lack of computer skills the in game wording still says vicon farex however i have managed to change the in store name to the correct name.If you are able to change the ingame wording please do so and reupload this would be much appreciated The in store price is $12000 Credits Modell: 818vario Textur: 818vario Scrips: Face, Giants, Sven777b Re-Edit: bertwrfc
Lely Hibiscus Rake
Here is my rendition of fendt2468’s Lely v.1.1 I have edited the logo and branding of this machine aswell as the dirt effect i have now made this get even dirtier (grassier) than before everthing else is the same as before. Credits SFM-Modding Re skinnet: Fendt2468 Re edit: bertwrfc
Fendt 820 and 824FH
Fendt 824 FH ES Limiter Power Shaft Attacher Beleuchtung – “BEL3” Dynamic Exhausting System passenger seat x2 Move Attacher Multiplayer supported Fendt 820 The same characteristics as the 824FH only do not duplicate this tire, but has the ability to attach to the front of the machine tractor 824FH until the front end of a bar. phenomenal mode, both tractors are realistic, fantastic sound, the front axle is not fixed but is at real tractor. Recommendation for download Credits: FAVORIT824_FH author: Schlueterfan1977
Machine garage
This is normal size Machine garage. Here you can drive in 2 or 3 tractor and one car. You can place it on your map with Giants Edito.
Belgian map
This is a map for farming simulator 2011 This is a great card with large fields, unpaved roads, paved roads, cows, river, mud spots, and 1 farm. information on the map Your card is very gemaak corpse in river back together because you close to your farm, the shop is close to your farm, the mill too close to your farm, ……… and so on the map is also realistic because you have a village and that village is a supermarket, a church, a ………. and so on the farm is also useful because you only have a farm and ... Read more