Tag: Twin Wheels

Ford TW35

I found this on another website and thought i should share it on ls-uk. A fine machine for any job around the farm ;)No matter what the size Cheesy Special effects : Twin Wheels Twin Beacons and choose between either a front weight or front linkage! working speed display Horn Motorised steerable hireable Credits Original Uploader: Flemming83 Trelleborg: Luis Exhaust: oothomsen twin wheels: MB Belygtnung v3: Sven777b

Claas Lexion 750 with Twin Wheels and byable Oilchange v2.0

Modell/Textur: CraigRock / Umbau Kyosho Script/Animation: Face Performance-Tuning: MadMax Sound: Sevorane Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?8v59j04xaxc7d7w http://www.sendspace.com/file/pg55cv

Claas guard with Twin Wheels byable v 1.0

Modell: Kyosho´s Modfactory Textur: Kyosho´s Modfactory Script: Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding); Sven777b Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?6z387qd3246zkvl http://www.sendspace.com/file/vwakxh