Tag: mario
Lamborghini Premium 1800

Credits: Modell,Project,Skin-Texture,fix: Ago–Systemtech. Wheeldirty themplate: Clod. Script used: Manuel Leithner,Sven777b,Templaer,Mario,modelleicher,Knagsted,Tobias F Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127451833/929d862/Lamborghini_Premium_1800.zip.html
Lamborghini Formula 135

Credits: Modell & Project, d model, Skin-Texture, in game, fix: Ago–Systemtech. Script used by: Manuel Leithner,Sven777b,Templaer,Mario,modelleicher, other. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126216701/7195ad1/Lamborghini_Formula135_Ago.zip.html
New Holland TC 59

Credits: TC59 Modelo:Knagsted and FazendeiroBR Textures: Atayna Sound:fazendeiroBR Script Sandro Agradecimentos: John Anthonnyy, Mario www.farming-simulator.blogspot.com Plataforma Modelo:Ataynã & FazendeiroBR Textures: FazendeiroBR,johnanthonyy, ataynã Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125770082/678239d/TC59_descompacte_nos_mods.rar.html
JCB Fastrac 2150 Turbo

Credits: Modell: sk8mike, Lordtex Umbau: Mario Edit: Mortu Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124401608/c1e35f2/JCB_2150_AP.zip.html
Same Iron 130 -180.7
Credits: Project, Skin-Texture, in game, fix: Ago–Systemtech. Modell original: GIANTS Software GmbH. Script: Manuel Leithner,Sven777b,Templaer,Mario,modelleicher. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123462143/8b80ed4/SameIron130_180_V1_ago.zip.html
John Deere 6930 with Quikce v 0.91 [mp]
Credits: Model: Arnold, Acid_Burn84©, Boembchen, Mario for LS08 Converted to LS09: Lack Ls2011: Sakarya Edit: sjtraktor Quicke: Modell: Bigfarmer145 Textur: Bigfarmer145 Script: Face LS11: hanslanzmanns Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122756234/cfcac2f/Open_me.zip.html
MB Trac 1800 BB
Description: Modell:Boembchen & Mario Skin: bertram-79 Download: MB Trac 1800 BB [Hotfile.com]
Kirovets K-701P
Description: Modell:Mario Script: hz888 Edit: since1986 Download: Kirovets K-701P [Hotfile.com]
Lamborghini R8
Description: Modell: funker Scripts: Sven777b Reskin: whiskas01 Änderung: Mario Download: Lamborghini R8 [Hotfile.com]
Kirovets K-702
Description: Modell: Mario Script: hz888 Edit: Wano94 Download: Kirovets K-702 [Hotfile.com]