Tag: mario
Fendt 930 TMS V2

Description: Projekt by .::Der Treffpunkt::. Fendt 930 TMS V2 ATTENTION: THE OLD TMS MUST BE REMOVED! Community production of the meeting place teams Other Adjustments: Mario About the model: – Brake light – Blinker – Suspended seat – Beacon – Headlight – Working lights front – Rear work light – RPM – Will air display (compressed air must be established) – Dual tires – And much more. Download: Fendt 930 TMS V2 [Hotfile.com]
Fortschritt ZT 303 Set FL

Description: ModderZT .: Balu, Mario Modder FL.: MF 390 Download: Fortschritt ZT 303 Set FL [Hotfile.com]
JCB 2150 Fastrac 8WD

Description: Modell: sk8mike, Lordtex Umbau: Mario Edit: unknown Download: JCB 2150 Fastrac 8WD [Hotfile.com]
Fendt 930 TMS Forest (AP)
Description: Original: Coproduction: Treffpunkts Teams Other adjustments: Mario AP author: zartask / Mr. F Abfahrmodeinbau: Chaosfamily™ Gitter Anbau: jessy04 Download: Fendt 930 TMS Forest (AP) [Hotfile.com]
K700 Belarus 7111
Description: Modell: Mario Skript: hz888 (Rába 245) Edit: audi.80 Download: K700 Belarus 7111 [Hotfile.com]
Deutz Agrotron X720 v3.0 FL
Description: Modder LS 08: Funker Umbau: Boembchen , Jesse James Änderung: Mario (Dirt, Wheelparticle, Anbaufrontlader) Features: Waschbar Anbau Frontlader Wheelparticle (Staub) Download: Deutz Agrotron X720 v3.0 FL [Hotfile.com] Download: Deutz Agrotron X720 v3.0 FL [Uploading.com]
John Deere 6910 Washable
Description: Model: Templaer & Wohlstandskind Edit: Mario (Dirt & Script) Download: John Deere 6910 Washable [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 6910 Washable [Uploading.com]
John Deere 8530 v1.1
Description: Original LS08 model: Templaer & Wohlstandskind LS09 Conversion: Mario Script: Mario Texture: Mario Download: John Deere 8530 v1.1 [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 8530 v1.1 [Uploading.com]
Fortschritt ZT 303 Pack
Description: A pack of fortschritt zt 303. This pack includes the following tractors: – Fortschritt zt 303 red – Fortschritt zt 303 blue – Fortschritt zt 303 with stoll f50 red – Fortschritt zt 303 with stoll f50 blue This mods are made by: Original ZT 303: ZT423 rebuild to ZT 303-D: Mario ( from the german community ” Treffpunkt ” ) Edit und Fl: Albert Wesker The following things were integrated: – Radio – FL – Stats – Ignition – Rpmlimiter – Worklights – Extraweights – Beacon Download: Fortschritt ZT 303 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Fortschritt ZT 303 Pack [Uploading.com]
John Deere 6910 AP (Washable)
Description: Model: Templaer & Wohlstandskind Edit: Mario (Dirt & Script) + AP: Paziu777 AP author: Zartask / Mr. F Download: John Deere 6910 AP (Washable) [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 6910 AP (Washable) [Uploading.com]