Tag: meaning

Greggorie Besson xxxl claas cultivator

Fully unfolded, this cultivator has a 29m working width meaning that you can choose weather to keep it small (folded) for small akward fields or unfold it to get lots of area done. To install copy the ZIP and paste in the mods folder. Enjoy. Credits Model: Claasgrubber29 conversion Josie LS 2011 ready by spider100

North Ireland map BETA V2

Description: This is the second BETA or work in progress version of my North Ireland map, as the title suggests it is a BETA map meaning it’s not 100% complete yet. The final version will have some different field and road layouts with the hedges fully added as well as a new slurry system as its not working on the map currently. Credits: .LS–UK modteam .Olli .classJaguar870 .Russ .Andrew Stanford Download: North Ireland map BETA V2 [Hotfile.com] Download: North Ireland map BETA V2 [Uploading.com]