Tag: original model
VENNINGS Chaser Bin mod

Description This is my verson of the John Deere 500 bushel grain cart. I have re skined it to match the VENNINGS colours. To fold the augar use (x) To unload the bin use (b) Credits Knagsted: original model and script Formula_1: convert to 011 Superlooper53: Script edit NewHollandMAN!!: VENNINGS skin
Case IH1255xl V3 Edit

This is my edit of the Case 1255xl Features: Dirty Skin ES Limiter Hours Manual Steering Field Traces in Grains Wheel dust Wheel Tracks Credits: Original Model: bjorny Timmiej93 for the TUT on adding wheel tracks. Canadian farmer for the TUT on adding dust and field traces. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?dvw4sdv6m9j7ms4 http://www.sendspace.com/file/mv6brv

Knagsted: original model and script Formula_1: convert to 2011 Superlooper53: Script edit NewHollandMAN!!: VENNINGS skin Download: http://ul.to/jq9qvo94 http://uploading.com/files/f59fcm1a/John_Derre_500.zip/
CaseCHX 520 Green edition reflective
Reskin & reflective skin by farmerjoe Case CHX 520 Model, textur: Matliik In game: Martin94 Case Pick UP 300 Model, textur: Matliik In game: Martin94 Case 6000 Original model + Easycollect 7500| Conversion to Easycollect 6000 Modell : Giants Software , MF390 / Psyko , Noppi Textur : Giants Software , MF390 / Noppi Ingame : Mr.F , Heady / Noppi Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137841995/d6fc361/case_chx_520_green_pack.rar.html
Belarus pack
Belarus 820 Edit skin: dammir Original model: Tornado, T-150, Andryha Scripts: Tornado, Kamazist89 Belarus 1025 Edit skin: dammir Original model: babah Belarus 1221 Edit skin: dammir Original model: Mifku Script: Tornado Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136210926/52ed157/Belarus_pack.zip.html
Case CHX 520
Case CHX 520 Model, textur: Matliik In game: Martin94 Case Pick UP 300 Model, textur: Matliik In game: Martin94 Case 6000 Original model + Easycollect 7500| Conversion to Easycollect 6000 Modell : Giants Software , MF390 / Psyko , Noppi Textur : Giants Software , MF390 / Noppi Ingame : Mr.F , Heady / Noppi Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136130297/022ac80/Case_CHX_520_PACK.rar.html
Valtra S352 V1.1
This is the Valtra S352. Original model from XarioN and ValtraN111. Used specis: AttacherSetRpm Gear (which is basically a handbrake) manualIgnition (NUMPAD enter) Wheeldirt The tractor runs about 60km/h and pulls quite good! All credits go to the original modders XarioN and ValtraN111 and to the original scripters! Thank you! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134582996/058c9a5/ValtraS352_V1_1.zip.html
Pronar T-669
A Pronar Tandemkipper the einbisschen I’ve revised: broadening the swing axle and improves the tire. For this I have the volume of 15t to 28t Modified looking nothing else goes clean;) The original model is by Börndi Thanks to Börndi I was allowed to revise the Moodell! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/132119380/122f83d/Pronar_T_669.zip.html
Deutz Fahr D 6207
Beleuchtung V3: Key 789 ESLimiter: Key Page Up /Page Down OperatingHours Autopilot Key 0 Original Model Unknown Umbau Manson Script zartask / Mr. F Sven777b Manuel Leithner Robert Hostens Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129553372/c383410/Deutz_Fahr_6207AP.zip.html
Big Tex Gooseneck Bale Trailer
Credits: Model and Script edits by BigCountry Gooseneck hitch model by Hixes Bale lock script by Geri-G BeleuchtungV3 by Sven777b Original model by BigFarmer145 and script by Geri-G Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124911818/2050421/Gooseneck_BaleTrailer2axleRed.zip.html