Tag: original model
Lamborghini VICTORY 260 v 2 washable [mp]

Credits: By Ago–Systemtech: Project, modelling,Template–Skin, fix, add. scripts. Original model by: GIANTS Software GmbH, Other… Scripts : Manuel Leithner, Robert Hostens, Templaer, Sven777b, zartask, Stefan Geiger Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123043737/c759eeb/Lamborghini_Victorv260_ago_v2.zip.html
Kenworth Aerodyne

Credits: Original model: Sergey54Rus Edit: gypsy5 New wheels and resize : Rustydog Bullbar : Sandgroper Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122958719/e137baf/KenworthA_K100bb.zip.html
Lamborghini VICTORY 260 v 1.2 washable [mp]

Credits: By Ago–Systemtech: Project, modelling,Template–Skin, fix, add. scripts. Original model by: GIANTS Software GmbH, Other… Scripts : Manuel Leithner, Robert Hostens, Templaer, Sven777b, zartask, Stefan Geiger Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122858919/645377b/Lamborghini_Victorv260_ago_v11.zip.html
Kenworth K100

Credits: Original model: Sergey54Rus Edit: gypsy5 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122756538/ff10187/Kenworth_K100.zip.html
fendt 939 roll cage special AI v 1.0 [mp]
Credits: fendt 939vario Author: acert Umbauer: S04 Fan Tester: Fendt 309 Fan Edit: Aaronpost1989 ———————- jd platform Original model: Wohlstandskid modification terra-track: Treckerjack ———————- tweek jarlax Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122546855/de684c1/Fendt_Vario_939_Specialnormal.zip.html
Deutz-Fahr Autostacker 48
Credits: Credits: Re-skin: Dirty Flavour Original model: Giants Previous edits: angel.p Cederstrom96 TOUROK Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122348458/aed5aac/deutz48stack.zip.html
Landini 16500
Credits: For Landini 16500 (Original MF 3655) Model: Fendt413/PeterJ Edit: rh/henly20 Re-edit, Reskin, Fix & Script: Exia For the wheels: Original model: wohlstandskind Rebuild and modification: Clondike the JD 8530 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120043515/6f996f9/Landini16500.zip.html
Fiatagri 180-90 FL
Description: Original model & texture: opelman Edit: lamborghini550dt Download: Fiatagri 180-90 FL [Hotfile.com]
Lemken Brillant LS09 and LS09 Gold ready
Description: Original model: Acid Burn sktipt and ingame 09: Larry Features: saw and grubbern simultaneously Forward / ruckwärts tempomat Multi-use attachermover to taste with 4 / 5 so you can raise the standard and the low cut and Attacher The Sähmaschiene must not be filled, and sows everything you have in the map Download: Lemken Brillant LS09 and LS09 Gold ready [Hotfile.com]
MF 7760 Cotton Combine
Description: Massey Ferguson skin for John Deere 7760 Cotton Combine Original Model: Model/Texture: Nickel77 Script: balogh2003, hz888 Script Edit: Defender New skin: rcboy121 Download: MF 7760 Cotton Combine [Hotfile.com] Download: MF 7760 Cotton Combine [Uploading.com]