Tag: PDA
Newbie Farm V1

* Edit of default map * factory added (you can sell cotton, sugarbeet, soybean, mohn and here).. * Multi silo added due to so many fruit types (works in single player) * All fields numbered. * PDA Map updated. * Bakery added near the mountain pass by the castle. * Supermarket changed to mall and given a sell point. * Fuel station added. * Fruit script added. * Following scripts added to map to reduce mods required to add, clock, DarkerNight, weed, FruitHudText, HiredConsumesResources, MultiplePricesSilosInPDA, RunningCosts, ShowWorkersOnPDA and newpda (newpda works in conjunction with shows workers on map) * Weeds ... Read more
Norddeutschland – Die Ruhe in der Landschaft v 4.0

Benötigte Mods MapBGA MapBGASilo MapDoorTrigger MapWeightStation Informationen Map01i3d: 27,4 MB zip.Norddeutschland 195 MB Verkehr (Kein MilchLKW – Milch wird automatisch abgepumpt) Biogasanlage Animierte Kuhweide (Kühe bewegen sich) Was ist neu? Funktionierende Waage an der BGA Nur 3D-Bäume Strohkraftwerk an der BGA Mehr Unterstände am Haupthof Neue Früchte- sowie Terraintexturen Neues PDA (In der Form noch nie gegeben) Download: http://ul.to/apsgx38w
Landgenuss v2

Features: Grosser Hof Ballenschredder Biogasanlage PDA–Karte angepasst (V.2) Manche Felder wurden vergrössert Neue Texturen (V.2) Kuhweide vergrössert (V.2) Strasse wurde optimal angepasst (V.2) Felder zu 30% bestellt Wichtig: BGA Scripte werden benötigt Auch für LOW-PC‘s geeignet Download:
Welcom to the FirstTryMapV2 as it was with the first version this an edit of the original map but with a Hocks23 spin. In this map all of the original fields have had a remake sizes range from medium to large, big equipment is needed. So what is in the new map? -ORIGINAL FRUITS -New textures -Great looking stubble heights -New buildings (some old buildings removed) -Selling places moved -Bale destroyer -Farm moved -Fruit gauges -2 farm storage areas -Traffic removed -Problems from first version fixed -Dairy and cowzone were not edit at all -MP not sure as I dont ... Read more
OakWood Farm
OakWood Farm is a medium size highly detailed british map. One highly detailed woodland based yard Small village Moving cows Auto sell milk Standard fruits Selection of start equipment To open and close the gates press O To work the service platform press O No PDA due to the map not realy been big enough to need one Bale sell point – in the cattle feed ring that’s located in the cattle meadow id3 size – 26.2mb Download:
Velkomoravska Risa
– bga bgasilo haybale strawbale – woods sunflower sugarbeet potato sunflower water manure liquid manure milk sand – working PDA map 4x biggest the size Download:
Edward Jones Farm v3
Viele von euch kennen ja schon die Edward Jones Farm Map, bzw. die v1 und die v2, jetzt bin ich endlich soweit durch und kann euch die fast fertige map zum download bereitstellen (: hier und da können noch fehler auftauchen und dafür brauche ich jetzt euch, sagt mir wenn ihr was findet und dann will ich zusehen das ich das in der final version behoben bekomme. (das Problem mit den Startfahrzeugen wird dann in der nächsten Version auch wieder behoben sein) Ich habe jetzt wirklich einiges an Zeit in diese Map investiert, ich denke jeder der schonmal mit dem ... Read more
Walk-through: Bottles
Here is a complete original map PDA_map with marked ALL 100 BOTTLES. DOWNLOAD: http://uploaded.to/file/yix64h9t
Luke Map
Lukas Map Beta verion. This card is dedicated to my son because he likes to play this game. The card is a SMM – where card was only taken over the streets and Terraing. The traffic is a little has been extended to almost all the roads are traveled. The milk truck is no longer in operation, the man must put away the milk itself. In this map are standard fruits + 3 more available During the potatoes, sugar beets and sunflowers. There are 4 outlets to help: Berauerei, mill, oil mill and the Deuka. Could adjust the PDA map, ... Read more
Ich danke allen die mir an dieser Map geholfen haben: Drescher (Kuhweide), Darkmichi2 (PDA-Karte), fireman (sonstige Fragen), Fendt512 (Verkehr) Download: http://ul.to/8yahf3yc http://uploading.com/files/b86485a9/Fuhrmann_Map.zip/