Tag: PDA
Map Oberpfalz V4

News: Fixed bug with potato sales Landscape extends a little New grass texture and a few minor changes PDA map is a work in progress The DLC 2 is still required. I would recommend 3 DLC is not absolutely necessary. So now a lot of fun on the Map! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/138634891/027f355/OBERPFALZ—ENTPACKEN.zip.html
Mullis V1

Now you can feel the farming taken to extreme level in school atmosphere! My newest map takes place in Finland in an agricultural schoolfarm. FEATURES: – Supported fruits: Barley, Wheat, Rape, Oat, Rye – Proper traffic and pedestrian paths and cowzone – Working PDA map – 13 Different sized fields – River which can devour thoughtless student’s tractor Download: http://ul.to/cla81416
Ecclesden Farm in Winter

Starter Map – Ace UK PDA – Nubsi Milk Mod – Wizznall Trailer- MorphX Unimog – Mini-Martje- I think !! Sweeper – dpiotrex Snowplough – Maciey Download: http://ul.to/pldyb61y
Original Map for LS11 2009 Retro with DLC2 BGA
original 2009 Retro Map for LS11 with DLC2 BGA Preface Map version 1 09 with DLC2 Author: @ Funky With cow pasture and livestock As usual in LS11 PDA v1. Slurry manure and shredded grass can also be sold at garden centers v1. Trees and shrubs were added to provide some. v1. Liters of milk output and milk prices: original v1. Mist grows with tarpaulin v1. Textures changed v1. DLC2 BGA! Important! You need the DLC pack end of the list v1. Attention! This is a converted 09 Map This map has the standard types of fruit ! important to ... Read more
My little map
So it is on the map: 2 (BGA BGA is a video-supervised) PDA does not (BGA 2) That’s my one map that is not so hard for me:) If what does not! Thakns in advance! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/132819019/9bfc8f7/FORD8340blue.zip.html
Churn Farm – Final Edition
Credits Yard objects- Deutz Fahr UK Dairy Cattle Shed-mf6160 Farm Yard accessories/Clutter-Sandgroper British hay/straw shed-Farmerl Corrugated General store sheds-jd8430t-Deutz Fahr UK JD Dealership-troll711 Speed camera-Willjsavage Low poly trees-Vanilleeis new fruits for fs 2011-dodo27 LS-UK Mod Team Maize in rows V2 by Dad0 CountyPower Jamesyy olli Russ Giants Maxter Shed by Andrew Liamnh8560 JD6410 Sprengi triggers-cadaver uk Electric poles–? Dung misthaufen-?? liquidManuretube:–ghost1??: Axel_of_Sweden?? added triggers by janlandby. Pda Mod-apuehri (“newpda”/”PDA_Mod”) & WeeRuz CLAAS Lexion 770TT Pack (MP)- Credits: Ingame,script- Defender Modells: Claas Lexion 770-Shangri66 Claas header trailer-Maurermatze Claas Vario 1200- Maurermatze Sodimac Keral 1610- 3D: Fendt-du-50 Script: Sagona01 & TSF3M Dangreville-Mat ... Read more
Oxfordshire Farms
Credits: Authors – cottonvillefarms main build and scheme sandgropher for additions editing + hours of testing and fixing bad alocations Seed shed by sandgropher PDA by sandgropher LAU by sandgropher Tested by sandgropher Downloads used include Ace-uk starter Map Sniper214 for the – SilagePit_Commodity_v2-5 All fencing by – sandgropher dave_p for – milk mod Hedges by – countypower And to the creator of the automatic blue gate, can’t find you. **** Credits Ballenschredder 2011 **** Model: sprengi Tankstelle und Teile StrawElevator: giants-software Texturen: Google Sketchup, giants-software, sprengi sound: sprengi HAY/Straw Shed by – jd8430t Original Map: giants-software Golden corn texture ... Read more
HvorFandenErJeg Map
Description: JUST PLACE THE ZIP IN YOUR MODS FOLDER! A danish inspired map. Its a huge edited version of the standard map, only a few things is original. PDA-map: *1: The ad-blimp. You can actually get up on that *2: Typical danish-looking pig-farm *3: Your main farm with silo’s, silage-pits, one small and one large barn *4: Grainmill, sell barley, wheat and canola here *5: Farmshop; bye and sell equipment here *6: A small, shut down farm, modelled like my granddads farm back in the 80′s *7: Swedish inspired farm *8: Dairy. ‘Them Ost’ is the dairy my dad delivers ... Read more
Farmin Simulator 2011 Map v2 by wopito
Description: This is Map! -Edited from the original map -Farm and Livestock in the positions added to the original location, just different buildings, -Two additional quality grain, Sugar Beet and Sunflower, and added to the silos -Two new fields added -Deleted the port and the other in vain who are not related to the cultivation of –PDA map update -For beginning the game’s best vehicles and tools Credits: A big thank you also for all buildings in which materials, etc. I am using the map. They need a lot so I do not designate the area of each separately. Thank ... Read more
FinFarm V2
Description: Enchanted version and probably the last version of the map. Now with ultimate farming experience to satisfy the needs of every farmer! The map has gotten influence from the western parts of Finland where the fields are on large open flat areas separeted by ditches. –Multiplayer ready -Fixed/improved PDA map -17 Diffrent sized fields, some of them in multiple blocks -Suitable for both big and small machinery -2 places to sell your harvested crop Credits: Made by Nappo Thanks: Venom for the buildings Download: FinFarm V2 [Hotfile.com] Download: FinFarm V2 [Uploading.com]