Tag: PeterJ

Case Magnum 8940 – Pack

This my new modification. The Case 8940 Row Crop, an Case 8940 Normal Wheels. Scripts: RPMLimiter GasLimiter DualWheels ManualIngnition Etc. The. Xml file was reworked. The model is 100% compatible with MultiPlayer. Thanks: FSM-Brasil/American Eagles Modding Forum and Members. Credits: Model/Textures:Knagsted Scripts: Giants,PeterJ,Templaer,LSUK Modteam,Manuel Leithner,Modorgas. Ingame/Edit:RaFa (Rafael Zanella) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?eruxb6jhzxsdlwl http://www.sendspace.com/file/7divdt

Kesmac Field Roller V2

Hello, This is the Kesmac Field Roller V2. In this version i have add the brilliant spraying script by peterJ and other little tweaks with the model. The spraying script allows you to spray your field with the roller, you simply press ‘B’ and off you go! Credits: Model: leicestershireFarmer Texture: leicestershireFarmer Ingame: Griffy/leicestershireFarmer Script: PeterJ/leicestershireFarmer Thanks to peterJ for the brilliant scrip and Griffy for helping me ingame it. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?50rdvb7o644dp8f http://www.sendspace.com/file/fvujcm

Ford 8970

Model: Axel_of_Sweden Ingame: PeterJ Edit by : FreddyK. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?mcg3uddu3ufm0dl http://www.sendspace.com/file/ejzt4j

Wylie Buckrake

The LS-UK Modteam (alwyn, henly20, nishma, peterj, rh, sam123, wizznall) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?a5swh4ak76na6ff http://www.sendspace.com/file/ujx2tl

Valtra T202 Black

All credits goes to model creator and script creator. PeterJ Henly20 farmsweden Chrille154 Saemo Axel_of_sweden ValtraN111 Koozzi XarioN Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?bol5fcdy7ayo1hl

Case Puma CVX 230

Credits: Templear PeterJ Chrille154 Axel_of_sweden ottopersson Download: http://ul.to/nbwamlki

Case Puma 180

Credits: Model: ottopersson Ingame: PeterJ Script: Henly20 and PeterJ Download: http://ul.to/lcnsmfd4

Massey Fergusson 5476

Edit: IO Model: templaer Edites: PeterJ LS11:Clod Full Edit: RotoR Download: http://ul.to/ov9vr52a http://uploading.com/files/2d589da8/MF5476.zip/

Agriluxfarm map Modpack

Credits: LUXFARMJ PeterJ LUXFARM brocas Ago–Systemtech Download:

Fleming Roller V2

Model: DaleC/sandgroper Texture: DaleC/sandgroper In-game: DaleC/sandgroper Script: PeterJ Testers: jonnydeere/ChrisW/David-96/Tomo23 Download: http://ul.to/ivqnv5ie http://uploading.com/files/caa2ae41/FlemingRoller_V2.zip/