Tag: police

duty police v 1.0

Description InCh police mod unfortunately tion tion Irish not flash lights in the rear fungtionirt everything else. Credits: Oulle: internet,thesecretlive von ihm ist der eigentliche t4 MOD,und von fire Fighter 1986 ist der mod auch mit entworfen worden.

POLICE v 1.0

Description Traffic vehicle. Standard light of Giants. Standard sound of Giants. Figure adapted in color, no proper uniform. Tinted windows. Only characters and Lekrad installed otherwise empty inside, is only a Funmod. Fahrwek and handling of Giants. Simply copy the Modsordner. Credits: GIANTS Grizzly MAX GRUETER

DL30_Niedrigbauweise v1

DL30 low profile A fire department ladder should be in every police station. a model from the SKP: Polaris Speed ??ca.45km /h Light Blue light u.Frontblitzer Flashing light system Reversing signal Horn / Special signal Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129810605/d81026e/Iveco_DL30.zip.html