Tag: Re
Lely v1.1

I have final decided to make a new version of the Lely. I have not made so much but I think it’s enough to upload it. I have made a new dirt so it is a Lely with some grassdust. It got a working width of about 8 meters. It works really good for me and it has some really good scripts. It doesn’t have the Beleuchtung.v3 script. It dosn’t kill the grass! Features: Dirt (Grassdust) Credits SFM-Modding Re skinnet: Fendt2468
John Deere Trailer

This John Deere Trailers setup has: Triple Axle Light Reflective Skin Re Skin End Dump Lights Fruits Wheat, Oat, Rye, Barley, Corn, (Maize), Rice, Canola, (Rape), Mohn, Sunflower, Grass, Chaff, and Drygrass Capacity Of 50,000 I hope you enjoy this trailer and please tell me of any problems you have with it so we can get your problems fixed! Happy Gaming! Credits: Converted By: Kal Modder: Lander, Tr3n3rO, Mario, Jesse James Trailer: Nubsi
Wall Pack scaled version
Model: leicestershireFarmer Texture: leicestershireFarmer Ingame: leicestershireFarmer Re-scale: leicestershireFarmer Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?annjc22otyl9by2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/5vbxe7
Pichon 18.000L Manure Spreader Edit
I have made a Re-skin of the garant manure spreader, of a profesional french manure spreader, Pichon. The two-axle range, offering capacities of between 7,150 and 22,700l, is designed for groups of farmers, large farms and service providers. The choice of this type of equipment is determined by two criteria: a large volume of slurry to be transported and a certain distance to be covered between the filling and spreading points. For optimal working yield, it is important to compare the volumes with the distances to be covered. The power of the tractor and the quality of the soil receiving ... Read more
Land-Rover Defender 90
Modell: Skp Umbau LS09 : Jessy04 Skin:katoz96 Re-skin: Ash~(A and R Contractors) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?2c5oy7kbkl352bl http://www.sendspace.com/file/yvyb29
NC 3000 Vacuum Tanker Green
Hello, this is a 3000 gallon vacuum tanker. This a a re-skin from the amazing promoted model by Ross. Very detailed model, all features are working and the back beacons on the tanker work too. This is not my mod or re-skin, i have just help him and uploaded it for him. Thanks for downloading and i hope you like it. Credits Model: Ross Texture: Ross Ingame: Ross and Henly20 Re-skin: JosephMcDyre98 Help for: leicestershireFarmer Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?1coelxy3swj3pe2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/3x61ka
NC 3000 Vacuum Tanker Galvanised Orange Edit
Here you have a Nc 3000 gallon Vaccum Tanker. This is a Re-skin from the origanal one by Ross. This is not my Re-skin i only helped a friend and did the finer touches. Hope you like it and thanks for downloading! Credits: Model: Ross Ingame: Ross and Henly20 Re-skin: JosephMcDyre98 (with help from leicestershireFarmer) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?3131j2rqibz6bbl http://www.sendspace.com/file/ypcplh
Kverneland cultivator
Author: Alex Skin: Bociek Re-skin: Fendt2468 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?v3chh0hz7lr54m7 http://www.sendspace.com/file/az792k
John Deere 7810 EDIT fix v1.2
Original Authors: – Templaer und Wohlstandskind Additional Authors: – Russ (www.ls-uk.info) – Converted mod to FS 2011 and added additional functionality – Sven777b – Beleuchtung v3 – Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) – ControlPanelAttacher, ESLimiter, InteractiveButtons, InteractiveComponent Interface, InteractiveControl v2.0, PowerShaftAttacher Edited wheels and front part of the hood : Sotillo Re-edit by: MPFARMER (me) Testing by: MPFARMER (me) EDDIE VEGAS FOR SOUND’S KJ981300 FOR SOUND CHANGE, Download: http://ul.to/fsyyi9ma http://freakshare.com/files/25v2uq9h/JD-207810-20EDIT-20BY-20KJ981300.zip.html