Tag: Re
Smitz Cargobull S.KI LIGHT V2 for LS11

Model by EED123 Magasító by Hesston LS2011 by n00body Re-edit & BOGI by hz888 Variable Body edit by n00body Download: http://ul.to/mbfqrp7w http://uploading.com/files/a84mad8d/schmitzcargoV2.zip/
John Deere 7810 2WD – SndGrdn Edit

Modell: Templaer & Wohlstandskind converted to Ls11 by Paldoo EDIT by Frasercow & paldoo Re–Edit by SndGrdn 12/20/2011 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/138096248/b7ec494/JD7810_2WD_SndGrdn_Edit.zip.html
John Deere 6610 edit

Autor: Koedel, Alex Script : SFM Modding, Henly20 LS 2011 Konvertierung: Guynrush Edit by Sotillo Re-edit by: MPFARMER Sound: EddieVegas Tests: MPFARMER Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137843208/ee0521a/johndeere6610.zip.html
Meadow Farm
Map edit: Discoade Base map. Giants, Ace-uk. Fruits. Ace-uk. Multi Silo. model: Maca, script: Defender store shed: Model: Jd8430t Textures: Jd8430t In-gaming & Fixes: Deutz Fahr UK. British hay/straw shed: Farmerl British style Sheds: Original models: NOD500, Re-modelled and ingamed:Deutz Fahr UK Low poly house with car port: Wizznall Manure and Liquidmanure tubes and pipes: Modells:lsportal, ghost1, ghost01, Texture-dodo27 and Max —Newbud- Trees: Vanilleeis Silage Pit Commodity: Models/Textures: Sniper214 Download: http://ul.to/22c3dd7w
Vensmap Re-edit
Original Map: Thijs de Haan, Hunterveen & Mooi-Wark Edit: RTH29 Download: http://ul.to/pf7ipbha
Meadow Farm Revisited
Big thanks to geertyb0y for testing Base map. Giants, Ace-uk. Fruits. Ace-uk. store shed: Model: Jd8430t Textures: Jd8430t In-gaming & Fixes: Deutz Fahr UK. British hay/straw shed: Farmerl British style Sheds: Original models: NOD500, Re-modelled and ingamed:Deutz Fahr UK Low poly house with car port: Wizznall Manure and Liquidmanure tubes and pipes: Modells:lsportal, ghost1, ghost01, Texture-dodo27 and Max —Newbud- Trees: Vanilleeis Silage Pit Commodity: Models/Textures: Sniper214 Clutter / Water mods: sandgroper Yard Building Kit: milk mod by Acert Lmanuremod: Janlandby, Acert Grain Unloading ramps and cattle grid: willjsavage Spot lights: Showgunn84 Cow shed: model-wiliam 7530/deutz fahr uk Silage Pit V2: ... Read more
Chellington, Bedfordshire
Map made by Peter Tested by Napalm Reef Eadams A.stanford Serious help with traffic splines and put together by Re Help with many errors by Napalm Plenty of information and help from Reef Napalm Buildings by Modteam village sign by Nibby PLEASE READ – Any items found in map not credited please email me and I will update Download: http://ul.to/n16kwdly
Deutz-Fahr Autostacker 48
Credits: Credits: Re-skin: Dirty Flavour Original model: Giants Previous edits: angel.p Cederstrom96 TOUROK Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122348458/aed5aac/deutz48stack.zip.html
Rabe Königsadler
Credits: Modell: Freddy.com Textur: TherÖcsy/psycho LS 2011 ready by spider100 Re-skin erikop Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120876493/624ddce/Rabe_Knigsadler.zip.html
Landini 16500
Credits: For Landini 16500 (Original MF 3655) Model: Fendt413/PeterJ Edit: rh/henly20 Re-edit, Reskin, Fix & Script: Exia For the wheels: Original model: wohlstandskind Rebuild and modification: Clondike the JD 8530 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120043515/6f996f9/Landini16500.zip.html