Tag: Ready
Rear Dump for tractor v 2.0

Credits: Modell: CLAASVEET81 Textur: CLAASVEET81 LS11 Ready xerion8300 LS13 Ready xerion8300 umbau xerion 8300 Bilder claas-lexion-600
Fendt816petrol fl v 2.0 fl

Credits: Modell: GenX Mods Ingame: GeneralX und Dachskiller Script – Ingame: GeneralX und Dachskiller LS11 Ready xerion8300 LS13 Ready xerion8300 Umbau xerion8300 2. umbau (färbung) nitonismiba
HW 80 Service Trailer v 2.0

Description I have even taken on request of buddelflink its HW-06-80 Service Trailer from LS11 to LS13, it hurts my soul, I did not get the trailer ready in time because Buddelflink-06 died on 18.01.2013 unfortunately I really wanted to release him, but after back language of the other two members of NKM-modding, who have asked me to do this but … here he is It is on it for Saatpaletten Drillmaschienen a tank for diesel fuel, a tank for fertilizer, and a Kärcher to clean Maschienen Credits: Urmodell by NKM–Modding LS 13 Ready tiger1234
Tedder Gabelwender mod
Description Old time tedder for small farm Credits Model: Ansomale LS 011 Ready by Spider100
Fieldstar W1600 v 1.2 FSM Team
FACTS: – Texture LS13 Ready – Illuminated – Washable (LS13 Ready!) – Weight 1600 kg – Maintenance costs 2 € / day Credits: [FSM]Chefkoch Manuel Leithner
Reisch RD 180
Here is my Reisch RD 180 Changes : – Texture edit – Lights – Zip file cleaned – and small edits (price, etc) Fruits- standard+chaff and grass Capacity= 18,000 Tipping= left and right only Mp, Sp Ready and Bug free. Credits Modell: S.Geri Ingamen: kombájnos Munkahenger: Regie Script: fruktor, sven777b Umbau: taker und Herby
Universal Bale Trailer v2
MP Ready, blue and gray color. Fixed some “bugs” (wheels in fly, no shadow some parts,etc..) Capacity: 45 big square bales 33 round bales 80 normal square bales 278 small square bales Credits Universal Bale Trailer v2 by Bassaddict, edit surciHUN
Gehl 4835 Skidsteer V2
This is the Gehl 4635 SXT skidloader. In This Pack:————–Skidloader and Bucket Joint type:—————-frontloader, and Telehandler!! Bucket Capacity:———–1000 Price in Store:————$35,700 —-$1,000 Features:——————Hour Meter Features:——————Silage Compactor Features:——————Rear hitch (low, & regular) Features:——————MP Ready Features:——————Mouse Controlled Loader Arms Features:——————Clean log NEW! Features:——————Manual ignition In general this farming simulator 2013 mod is worth trying, because of: Fixed reversed cam added triangle added visible hitch New tires I was unsuccessful at adding fruits to bucket, but the fruitplane files are in there. Please keep this mod on ls-uk.info only. Credits Model: Giants Ingame and adaption: PeterJ triangle: Arrie94 Reskin: Jonjunk
Fill Level Indicator
Features: – The levels of trailers filled, threshers and attachments can be displayed on the device The levels of filled-trailers, implements, and threshers may be displayed in a HUD-must be placed only in the mod folder, no installation in the mods needed – MP Ready Credits Script: rafftnix HUD Background: fendtFan1