Tag: Ready

This is the OriginalMap.V1: -fixed the error with milkrobot (cowzone work like original) -no more log errors -multiplayer ready -1 new Understand -and in generaly i change the aspect of farm place.
Homemade pallet forks v1 BETA MP Ready

SFM – Modding Geri – G Umbauten .: Jesse James Hilfe beim Script .: Alex 2009 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?hu4mjd6neau02vv http://www.sendspace.com/file/84mje0
Brent Avalanche 1594 (Homeland V2 Ready)

This is an edit of Wizznall’s Fixed for course play Brent 1594 chaser bin. Changes I made: Added: pea, sunflower, rye, oat, triticale, greenwheat, (grain plains and discharge partials) Capacity is now at 52859 (equivalent of 5000 bushels) Purchase price: $81,570 (unedited) As previous produces an error free log Credits: Model: Bigfarmer145 Texture: Bigfarmer145 Script: Outlaw Course Play: Wizznall & Jobyrns72 Homeland Map Series: X3mperformance Additional grain planes and discharge for added “fruits”: Onelap8 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?5ck589580zycmkb http://www.sendspace.com/file/cfymxn
7 Scharpflug
LS11 ready: Motorman Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?jkv555cv80592yh http://www.sendspace.com/file/nosvmo
10 Scharpflug
LS11 ready: Motorman Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?fgzg4fwucx0o5gh http://www.sendspace.com/file/hdu051
John Deere 7280r
John Deere 7280r – POLECAM & dirty John Deere 7280r – POLECAM & dirty New: – switchable dualwheels – switchable 4wd – new wheels – removed the reflective skin – added wheel dirt MP-Ready Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?bz43izawhzj6ai2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/15sajf
Silent Valley V2
2.0 – Release # Erweitertes Gebiet (Doppelte Grösse im Vergleich zur SV1) # Standard Fruchtsorten: Weizen, Gerste, Raps, Mais # Milch als Transportgut (Milch muss täglich bis spätestens 23:59 Uhr zum Händler gefahren werden, sonst gilt sie als verdorben und wird ohne entschädigung entsorgt) # Komplett neu gestalteter Hof # Viele neue Objekte # Kein Landmaschinen-Händler vor Ort (Equipment wird am heimischen PC übers Internet bestellt und direkt vor den Hof geliefert) # DLC3 Ready 2.0 – Release # Extended Area (Twice the size as compared to SV1) # Default fruit varieties: wheat, barley, canola, corn # Milk in the ... Read more
16K Auto Align proage Balerunner
Model: fendtbrezeih22 Script-Anpassungen/LS11–Ready: KillaBot & Wodka-Bull24 Heath-Script-Urversion: Mythos Download: http://ul.to/1eww9y0y
Credits: Modell: 818vario Textur: 818vario Specialtuning: Tobii Multiplane: Flori LS11 Ready: fendt-936×4 Download:
Claas Jaguar 980 30000th pack
Jaguar 980 Model: Claasveet81 Reflections skin: RSAntilles 30000th skin: Ali22 LS08 Modder:Agrotron 130, Jirka LS09 Modder:Neiss and Mr. F Script: Headshot_XXL LS 11 Ready: storken 30000th skin: Ali22 Download: http://ul.to/37hrehrx