Tag: Rear
Rear Dump for tractor v 2.0

Credits: Modell: CLAASVEET81 Textur: CLAASVEET81 LS11 Ready xerion8300 LS13 Ready xerion8300 umbau xerion 8300 Bilder claas-lexion-600
IH Farmalls, 1066, and 1468 mod

Credits Original Model By: Nickel77 V8 engine BY: Budman81 Front Wheels: Knagsted Moddesc and XML BY: Knagsted Rear Wheels: FV–Modding Manual Ignite Script: Templaer Removeable Duals: Schnulla-817(according to xml) This Edit BY: JONJUNK
Zetor 7745 V 1.1 Mitr Frontlader

Description o here once a Zetor7745 with front loader Pflugmod was Installed Loader please unzip the pack with inside so Normal tires Rear Duals Tire Care When Zetor was your ride adjusted CONNECTING When you hear of equipment into place now, the insurance holder! Improved sound and more little things Credits: Pl_teams
Trioliet Solomix3 3000 mod

Description A rebuilt version of the Trioliet 2 making it into a Trioliet 3-3000 New Features: Enlarged the body Tandem axle Capacity as per the prototype – 9900kg Rear View Camera added (decoration) Converter script for Grass / Chaff built-in Suitable for feeding the original feeding trough or in barns with the corresponding trigger. Originally posted by Dessileuse Triolet Modle: Hurley Script: @ poc @ lypse Thanks to \”Klaus Klausen\” for allowing me to upload this mod. Credits – Original model – Dessileuse Trioliet Modle: Hurley Script: @ poc @ lypse – Conversion script – Schlosser Hansel
Tucano 480 BB v 2.0
Description Control Swath / chopping M Work mode K Work light Rear 6 Work light Forne 5 Credits: Jerrico MartinFarmer1
7810 v 1.0Überarbeitet
features: – Rear window open / close – Door Opening / Closing – Twins front (on / off) – Twins back ” – Beacon fold ausklapen / –Warning signs fade in / fade Credits: Wohlstandskind LSFarmer2013
Valtra 8050 Fixed version
Hey, this is Fixed version in Valtra 8050, and tractor have Valtra’s 50-year celebration color. Send message for me, if you have something feedback. Features: TwinWheels Front/Rear Passengermod Worklights Front/Rear Beacons Quicke Frontloader mounts ESLimiter Over width lights 1:1 Mod Removable front weights Thank you to all who have been involved in the project!! Credits Modell: Wiuwe Ingame: Wiuwe Texturs: Wiuwe, Ännä, XarioN +others Scripts: PeterJ,Henly20 / Giants
Massey Ferguson 690 FL
This is a MF690 with a frontloader. It features: -Optional rear duals. -ESLimiter. -Optional frontloader guard/bracket. -Rear worklight. -Manual ignition. -Frontloader. (fixed) -Beacon. -Separate info box. Enjoy and any questions, ask away! Credits Tractor: Orignal Model: Modelli: urakkamies Tekstuurit: Saemo ja urakkamies Ingame: urakkamies Skriptit: Henly ja Peter Number Plate: Model: Geertyb0y Texture: Geertyb0y Reskin: Haaarry xD Beacon: Giants EDIT: AJT4 and mfj35 Frontloader: Urakkamies (LS~FIN?)
Claas Xerion 3800 Saddle Trac
This mod has the following features… -ES Limiter -Manuel Ignition (num pad enter) -Work lights Front (num pad 4) -Work lights Rear (num pad 5) -Working Hours -4WD turn ON/OFF (key 5) I hope you enjoy the mod! Credits 3D Model: KsatriaHU Scripts: Templaer, Sven777b; Changes and fixed: Jerrico
Massey Ferguson 690
Here I have a Massey Ferguson 690 I found on another site. Myself and AJT4 have tidied up the mod and added and fixed a few wee things. Features: Optional Rear Dual Wheels Beacon Optional Front-loader Stand Rear Work-light Ignition Script There is an info box that will appear on screen to help you with the controls! MP – Not sure! Credits Orignal Model: Modelli: urakkamies Tekstuurit: Saemo ja urakkamies Ingame: urakkamies Skriptit: Henly ja Peter Number Plate: Model: Geertyb0y Texture: Geertyb0y Reskin: Haaarry xD Beacon: Giants EDIT: AJT4 and mfj35