Tag: Rear
Mc Cormick IH 423 India Edition

It is 4wd small/medium sized tractor which is capable of light and heavy work aided by a very tight turning radius making it very maneuverable in tight spaces. Things i edited/added: Almost a complete reskin. Resized the tires. Altered the mod weight. Added front CaseIh toolbox weights. Added Rear wheel weights SPECIALIZATIONS: Selectable 4WD ESlimiter Operating Hours Wheel Particlespec Hireable Ai tractor Plus the basic specializations. Credits Base/Original Model-Saschii Case IH tool box- Modding & Texturing: Cretan-Iceland testing: Stone & Bracker Cretan-Iceland Rear Wheel Weights-Fordson Major Pack
MF 8480 V2.0

Here is my v2 of the MF 8480 from my 8400 pack. This one should be a little more complete. No errors, new textures, more detail, opening doors etc. I have also cleaned the folder and rebuilt the I3d file. It has following features. Manual Ignition Front and Rear duals BEL 3.1 Wheel dust(V.2) Dirt tracks(V.2) ES limiter Hud info display(V.2) PloughingSpec(V.2) Hope you will like it.Smiley Credits V1 Edit by Henkeman Basemodel: Deutzjeck93 8480 edit: ottopersson New skins: Henkeman Trelleborg wheels: Tires: 3xitus Rims: STIANBY Lightsaddon: Sven777b Powershaftattacher and ESlimiter: SFM modding Dualwheelscripts and manual ignition: LS-UK Modteam V2 ... Read more
Valtra 900 Pack [MP]
Valtra 900 Pack includes: Valtra 900 2WD Valtra 900 4WD Valtra 900 4WD with Frontloader MP-LIFT 255 Tractors work in Multiplayer! Features: 1:1 scale AO Texture Opening doors and rear window Dual Wheels Worklights Autosteer 3.0 by Xentro Controls: 0 – Menu on/off KP , – Ignition KP 1, 2 – Open/Close Doors KP 3 – Autosteer On/Off KP 4 – Worklights On/Off KP 5 – Rear Duels On/Off KP 6 – Front Duels On/Off KP 8 – Open/Close Rear Window Credits Model, Texture and Ingame: Tepa00 Scripts by The LS-UK Modteam (www.ls-uk.info), Modified by Tepa00 Autosteer 3.0 by Xentro ... Read more
NewHolland TM 130
This is an edit of ValtraN111’s TM 120. all i have done is re skinned the tractor and tweaked about with the model of it to improve it to personal teased. iv made it manly cause there was lack of small new hollands that could run the feeder wagon so i created this one. Hope you have fun. Functions: beacons: R Rear work lights: 6 front work lights: 7 Starter moter: 5 duel wheels front: 8 Duel wheels back: 9 Hazardous and winkers are numpad: num1/num 2/num3 Credits: modell:ValtraN111 Textures:ValtraN111 ingame:ValtraN111 script:peter and Henly20 beakon:Freddy lights:sven777b edit: CraigP145
Case international 986 with loader
986 edit with pipe and loader used a darker red also to make it look better Scripted Rear Dual Wheels DynamicExhaustingSystem PowerShaftAttacher WheelParticleSystem Credits: orginal mod: Knagsted Edit: Greasersnoopy re-edit: jb3pc4sale EsLimiter: Manuel Leithner new edit: mokoaaron and sivy reflective skin: mokoaaron robust skin: mokoaaron
Fendt Vario 933 Profi Plus
Seat Suspension Indicators Leaves mudd on road Opening Window And Doors Manule Ignition (Numpad Enter) Optional Rear Duel Wheels Optional Rront Dule Wheels AI Tractor Operating Hours ES Limiter Honk Realistic Internal Sound Realistic External Sound
John Deere 4455 (fixed)
This is my John Deere 4455 with the Dual Wheel and Weights problems fixed. This should solve the problem some players had with these functions. Many thanks to jnqsws for finding the problem with the lua files that was preventing the duals and weights to not work for some players. This is my John Deere 4255 V2 which is an edit of Knagsted’s John Deere 4450 model. Decided to make the John Deere 4455 rather than another 4255. Very close to 1:1 scale. Tests error free in SP. It’s MP ready but not tested, so please let me know if ... Read more
BigBud 747 v2 mit Heckhydraulik
Hello! I’ve always Wolte a BigBud haben.Doch unfortunately not working properly (at least I’ve found). I particularly missed the hydraulics on the rear! ! So I made my own one time and assembled in the days of Puzzelarbeit. been improved: -Driving behavior Wheels are now running around -Rear mounted hydraulic -Manualignition (key num) eventu. Set in control -ESlimiter Wheel-particle -Wheeldirt -Much exhaust fumes Tilt the hood läst (key 5), a door opens (touching on UM9 + NUM6, trailer hitch height adjustment (key 4 + num num 1) This is consistent with the key assignment there, because it does not appear ... Read more
Renault 180-94 + 155-54 nectra
Thank you for downloading this mod! Here is a lovely Renault 180-94 and 155-54nectra that I have edited! That’s a pack of two renault ( don’t forget to upload the file ) features : Rpm limiter Gas limiter Manual ignition Animated parts Beleuchtung Wheels powershaft What I change : Wheels, power, front PTO and Rear PTO, Light, exhaust particle system, speed ( 35-40km/h) Credits: Modell : @poc@lypse, Hurley , Ls mod team fance edit : Balow67 Ingame : Balow67 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?9v645cg8eucmm8y http://www.sendspace.com/file/73bid4
Deutz Topliner 4090HTS Balance Combine Harvester
I have been granted permission by schlueterfan1977 to upload this combine to here! Made to 1:1 Scale Features: kp8: moves the steps “X”: opens the tank “Z”: Straw/Chopped Straw “5”: Front Lights “6”: Rear Lights kp7 and kp9: changes from Rape knife and dividers on header. This is a brilliant hillsider combine, I have been using it on higher hills farm for a while now! Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?wpbx0lc66hk52du http://www.sendspace.com/file/o9fag4