Tag: sandgroper
Derelict Buildings and Ruins

Sandgroper Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?axa3yz45zraio6a http://www.sendspace.com/file/0cddq0
Fleming Roller V2

Model: DaleC/sandgroper Texture: DaleC/sandgroper In-game: DaleC/sandgroper Script: PeterJ Testers: jonnydeere/ChrisW/David-96/Tomo23 Download: http://ul.to/ivqnv5ie http://uploading.com/files/caa2ae41/FlemingRoller_V2.zip/
Zala Tanya V2

Map: Sparrow Models: marjas31, lsportal.hu, Sandgroper Download: http://ul.to/mlrew0ow
Buchmans Farm – South Dakota Map v1.1mp fix
Map base and triggers : Cadaveruk angers and new sheds and feedlot shed: Sandgroper Supersilo mp trigger : Maca Silage bunker : Maca Hay feed rings and feeders : Sandgroper Fences , Fuel tank , ducks : Sandgroper Old hangar : sese dealership : Dodo27 Download: http://ul.to/vfh7f2jv
Brandt Farms
Thanks to Ace Uk for the starter map Venom for the sheds JohnDeere4255 for the help and a few of the buildings sandgroper of the diesl tank, cattle loadout, and fence mf6160 for the grain drier Deutz Fahr Uk for the squeeze chute and bale feeder jd8430t for the bale shedsand finally the American mod team for beta testing Download: http://ul.to/qrk8j7r4
Mill farm Version 1.1
Thank you to… Sandgroper for ducks wase9 for farm shop vanilleeis for low poly trees Jd8430t + Deutz Fahr uk for British shed Nubsi for AudiR8 gamesnaper for header store Download: http://ul.to/kq2ey6x7
Dad\’s Farm
Thanks to Ace Uk for the starter map Venom for the sheds JohnDeere4255 for a few of the buildings sandgroper of the diesl tank, cattle loadout, and fence Deutz Fahr Uk for the squeeze chute and bale feeder And also a special thanks to usFarm 2000 for the pda map Download: http://ul.to/7me40ih3
North Forty v4 Final
Frontloader attachment storage racks by Silvoking Hayshed by Sandgroper Stone Cottage by Sandgroper House with car port by Wizznall Gas Station Pack by troll711 Milk Mod by Acert Opico Grain Dryer by mf6160 American Style Barn by troll711 Felleskjopet Grainary by RRS Beehive by Siraly0211( Hungary ) Manure-pit by dodo27 Farm Diesel Fuel Tank by Sandgroper General purpose corrugated metal sheds by Sandgroper Cattle grid by Wizznall Header-storer by Gamesnaper Manure mod by Wizznall Grass Texture Pack by PolishMods Modified Manure by Koper Download: http://ul.to/1nb4727f
Brandt Farms v1.1
Thanks to Ace Uk for the starter map Venom for the sheds JohnDeere4255 for the help and a few of the buildings sandgroper of the diesl tank, cattle loadout, and fence mf6160 for the grain drier Deutz Fahr Uk for the squeeze chute and bale feeder jd8430t for the bale sheds And also a special thanks to usFarm 2000 for the pda and traffic fix and finally the American mod team for beta testing Download: http://ul.to/unqpedd0
Hydon – Australia Map
map – johndeere1993 sheds – sandgroper Grain storage – model: Maca script: Defender Unload pad – Bitten John Deere engine – Thanks to Knagsted for given me permission to edit the engine of his 4650 Thanks to Ace-uk for providing the starter map. Download: http://ul.to/494wcnyb