Tag: sandgroper
My Free Farm

American Style Red Barn:troll711 Large American Style Barn:troll711 US Red Roofed Barn: sandgroper Old windmill: bitten Plastic Fencing: sandgroper 5 Strand Wire and Wooden Post Fencing Kit V1.1: sandgroper Road pack: goldpower600 Water Collection, Storage and Supply Mods: sandgroper Multisilo: Maca Liquid Manure & Solid Manure Mod: NorweiganFarmer dam: roni Download: http://ul.to/4l4edvz0
JollyFarm V2.1

Original map : Giants Jollyfarm edit : dr-uptown greenhouses : Sandgroper/dr-uptown BGA-scripts : Heady farmsilos grass/chaff : Jimkerk signs : Knuuud/Solanz included mods : their original modders Download: http://ul.to/1vdwxunt
Bob\’s Farm V2.1 – A Cunning plan with an Onion

Credits updated clutter pack – sandgroper wooden manure clamp – griffydam manure pipe – janLandby red hayshed – farmerl / dalaid Hoover dam bridge – Tonio87 3 Strand Fence – Blackburner Hay Shed – Sandgroper on LS-UK Livestock Equipment Pack – Deutz Fahr UK or MF6160 Double corrougated General storage shed Old – Jd8430t Building – Models:Nikl Textures:Bullet Sliding Script – Desperados93 Download: http://ul.to/upkrcsr5
1940-50s Farm: Manor Farm
Thank you to sandgroper for his advice error checking and testing. Testers: Riffman damo tomo23 Alex7530. Map Buildings: Griffy Maison03: duarn old country wall: willjsavage Farm Animals sheep: Maxter Farm Animals V1: Maxter Multisilo script: Maca Milk Mod by Acert empty map 10 fruit types:palajos , dodo27 , gnom and LS-UK info Linkbox base script: Börndi Download: https://modsbase.com/3nnjtqulsjqs/Manor_Farm_Unzipme.zip.html
Roscrea v2.1
Credits are as follows Map 2009 by Rustydog converted to 2011 by Sandgroper 2011 V1 edited by Rustydog and Sandgroper dealership converted by dodo Cargill – ? Low Poly Trees – Vanilleeis Railway Track – ? Grain Hoppers – ? Road Pieces – wohlstandskind MultiSilo – Maca AuBarn – ? DK Grain Auger – ? MP pda – Nubsi Mudholes – ? Yardbuildingkit – ? Machinery Sheds – Sandgroper Farm house – Sandgroper Wash house and Dunny – Sandgroper Cattle Yards – Sandgroper grain bunkers – Sandgroper 5 Strand fences & Gates – Sandgroper Railway crossing signs – Sandgroper weigh ... Read more
Chestnut Farm V3
Credits Haaarry XD for testing Frasier for the shed I believe it is pfreek that made the BGA and the gates Giants for the trees Giants for the software Giants for many of the buildings – dairy, houses Tommy23 cattle barns Tubbz for the weighing station Griffy for old cottage Duarn for the hangar shed v1.2 Farmer 54 for the British shed pack Dodo27 for power pole and stone bridge and farm shop Wolf2658 for the now where else map. Acert and ace of spades for the milk mod MP and the trailer. Bob 81 for the PG mod pack ... Read more
American Beef Farm
Credits: Venom for the sheds sandgroper of the diesl tank, cattle loadout, and fence Ace_UK for the starter map Loose terror for the cattle trailer Modified Milk mod original by aceofspades and changes by me Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/128349002/4d6d544/American_Beef_Farm_Unzip_Me.zip.html
Finn valley farm
its a nice wee map. it has 2 maize 1 barley 1 wheat and 4 or 5 grass fields its has a few flat fields and a few hilly fields. it has 2 silage pits and wen u tip in 1 wen the plane gets to a certain height the other pit starts to fill up too u tip the grass in the long cattle shed it has a bale trigger just go to the dung heap and just drive along there and the bales should dissappear and in the cow paddock i think there is a bale trigger were ... Read more
Bob’s Farm V2.1 – A Cunning plan with an Onion
This is the sandgroper edit of V2 which contained a bazillion static errors, issues with a few animated objects and tree collisions. First map was technically naive and I hope that this one will run much smoother. Many thanks to sandgroper for what became a weeks work at least! I believe the new map mod will overwrite the old in the mods folder and allow saved games to continue. Thanks for the feedback which enabled this edit. Have Fun and here’s the original text for first timers The first Big, Small, Flat, Hilly, Grassy, Arable, Dairy, Big Field, Small Field, ... Read more
Welcome To Indiana
Credits: dodo27 for farm shop and roads cadaveruk for base map and triggers sandgroper for diesel tank, sheds, and ranch fencing johan12,fendtfan1996 alias fendtfan96 for silageberg ls2012fan for new corn texture slopoke7166 for helping with the Oats. (Thanks. Big help!) dexter buchman for some of the farm ideas Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124639283/787553a/Welcome_To_Indiana.zip.html