Hired Worker Consumes Fuel and Seeds (v0.9beta)
Are you annoyed at the hired workers somehow magically do not use any seeds or fuel. This little mod changes that, so they now do. However be aware that the hired workers are pretty...
Are you annoyed at the hired workers somehow magically do not use any seeds or fuel. This little mod changes that, so they now do. However be aware that the hired workers are pretty...
Description: John Deere 1890 airseeder and John Deere 1910 aircart [SP] Fill Types: wheat barley rape oat soybean pea rice mohn fertilizer liquidManure Use the front tank for fertilizer and the rear tank for...
Description: Forest/campaign type: 12+fruits, the 4 normal + potatos, green wheat, SugarBeet, sunflower, cotton, SoyBean, pea, oat. Lot of vegetation, forestry area, great atmosphere airplane + traffic + boats, the pda work perfectly, you...
Description: Forest/campaign type: This is an edited of the great HawkHillMap V.1, made by Mickr4, it has 12 Fruits (4 normal + potatos, green wheat, SugarBeet, sunflower, cotton, SoyBean, pea, and oat). Lot of...