Tag: self
Grass texture v 1
Description Since it is a big problem indeed to build in a different grass texture as the originals on self-generated maps and these maps then put it online, I have now developed their own short hand grass texture. This was based on the original texture LS11 and LS09 of the original terrain. Credits: Made by wingi

Description this is a self-propelled potato absorbs from grimme. Credits credits-Shippy74 edit by Bandit skin by bandit edit by Robin
Tropical Farm

Changelog v1.1: – 1 Solar Park to make way for the DLC solar panels. – Fixed Collis palm trees along the roads (It is no longer associated with high superstructures) – Removed superfluous’ Alt’Objekte – Off the grass and fruit movements (better frames!) – Shut down traffic and pedestrians (Better frames – will continue to milk collected automatically!) – Changed BGA Access – Are flower boxes in front of the shop are now mobile and stay through – Replaced new silos for fruit – Deutz Drescher exchanged Lizard 58 – Lizard 58 Pipe particles changed – Built-in dynamic smoke exhaust ... Read more

Here I present my first self-converted standard map for download. They say big box map. For the DLC Map pack 2 is needed. I wish you much fun on the big field map. Download: http://ul.to/tvacxuy8 http://www.fileserving.com/files/xxB29zwxmM/Grossfeld.zip
Volvo BM A25 Self Propelled Slurry Tanker
1:1 Scale AO Texture Multiplayer compatible Function list TO START THE MOD YOU PRESS “KP .” TWICE – YES, THAT IS TWICE Rear lights: KP 4 Autosteer: KP 5 Door: KP 6 Tank hatch: X Tanker On: B Credits: The LS-UK Modteam (alwyn, henly20, nishma, peterj, rh, sam123, wizznall) Thanks to Sven777b for Lights Addon Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?etnpejcc0j1tith http://www.sendspace.com/file/u38fq6
Sipma Dromader ( RB Auto Stacker )
Bale trailer for round bales. It is self loading. Specializations: attachable animatedVehicle cylindered fillable Trailer RBAutoStack Credits: Model, Texture: KamilLS Programming: Adri@n Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?1185hate2uhovwd http://www.sendspace.com/file/4rq2rs
DEUTZ CUTTER WR-1320 is the latest development! Width of 13 meters! Fully a highly automated device! Cleans the following cultures: maize wheat rape barley rice soybean pea sugarcane oat! Beautiful animation! Every self-respecting farmer should have this reaper! VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8PxyrvZ2vM&feature=youtu.be Download: http://ul.to/nis48a5m
Holmer self-propelled sprayer
This is a self-propelled sprayer Holmer! It was established by lui88 from the game itself as a mod, and got a first new Skinn! Later came the Holmer Skinn from me, which I here now (after some time) put the DL. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/132219747/b97058d/Selbstfahrspritze.zip.html
Krone BigM II v2 – AP
Description: Krone BigM II self-propelled mower with automatic lining. 0(e) info panel + autopilot Only Singelplayer Credits: original mod by Meistro & Bersi Convert AP LS11: AlesK AP: Martin94