Tag: SndGrdn
Single Axle General Purpose Trailer

A Single Axle UBT in JD colours for small farms. Contains a Used and New version. Working Lights, Beacons and Indicastors. Removable Front Rail. Manual or Automated Bail Pickup. balecapacity: 8 big square bales, 10 round bales, 30 normal square bales, 78 small square bales, 185 small bales from Welger_AP730_SimpleChute, 280 small bales from Welger_AP730_ExtenedChute, 200 small bales from Free DLC Baler Credits Model: Milpol In Game: Milpol/SndGrdn TrailerParts Script: SndGrdn Lights Script: Sven777b Original Bale Script: Bassaddict
John Deere 1760 24-Row Planter
This is Knagsteds John Deere 1760 planter that JamesBrandt edited into a 24 row John Deere planter. What I’ve done: — Fixed offset planting issue — Re-added the Fertilizer tanks plus added 2 tanks to each extension — Fixed folding rotation so new tanks won’t hit each other — Fixed rotation point when raising/lowering planter — Fixed animation of support stand — Added hitch assembly — Converted all textures to dds format. Current fruitTypes: corn, maize, maizev2, soybean, soybeanv2, sunflower Credits v1 – Original Model: Knagsted v2 – Edited into a 24 row planter: JamesBrandt v3 – SndGrdn Edit
John Deere 7930 SndGrdn Edit v2
Change Log ———————————————————— SndGrdn_Edit_v2 ———————————————————— Added DrivingParticleSystem @ Manuel Leithner (SFM-Modding) Added PloughingSpec @ Burner SndGrdn_Edit_v1 ———————————————————— ** Added Tire Configurations —————————- Normal Rear Duals Quad Duals Spray Floatation Row Crop Dual Row Crop —————————- ** DynamicExhaustingSystem Script @ Manuel Leithner ** wheelextra Script @ Unknown ** FrontFender Show/Hide Script @ SndGrdn w/Help from Xentro ** MoveableAttacher Script @ Unknown ** SwitchingNWheelModes Script @ Tobias F. ———————————————————— PLEASE NOTE: I am not accepting request to add PloughingSpec to tractors just yet….please no PM’s, Thanks SndGrdn Credits Model, Texture @ Templaer, Wohlstandskind LS 11 @ Stefan ** Beleuchtungs Script V3.1 @ ... Read more
John Deere Model BO-L
In the 1940’s the Lindemen Manufacture of Yakima, Washington, converted Deere models to Crawlers. So i bing a 1940’s JD Model BO-L track-type tractor with h.p. And this tractor has no 3-pt hitch so you only can you implements that has a tongue. This tractor has the following features: extra weights, gas limiter, and power shaft attcher. Store price in game: $1,500 Credits: credits:3d model: Trekker, Texture: Trekker, Script:Trekker, harley, 352c, shangry66 Reskin and converison: bobcat_T-320 Fixed some issues: SndGrdn Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?7sqbbn7v4fhp4bf http://www.sendspace.com/file/xg4kee
Traffic Packs – RandomPack_02 – SndGrdn
This is the second in the RandomPacks of trafficVehicles I’ve converted them to trafficVehicles. All credit goes to original modelers! These vehicles follow the same traffic rules as the default vehicles, they yield right-of-way, stop at intersections… Just put this mod in your mods folder and if you have traffic turned on the game will load these vehicles as traffic. You can not buy this mod. You can not drive these vehicles. This mod will not show up in the store. All specializations/scripts have been removed. No need to unpack…Just put downloaded .zip file into your mods folder. == DO ... Read more
Traffic Packs – TractorPack_01 – SndGrdn
This is a pack of tractors (by many request) and Yes I did listen…As much as it pains me, there are no John Deere’s in this pack… I’ve converted them to trafficVehicles. All credit goes to original modelers! These tractors follow the same traffic rules as the default vehicles, they yield right-of-way, stop at intersections… Just put this mod in your mods folder and if you have traffic turned on the game will load these tractors as traffic. You can not buy this mod. You can not drive these trucks. This mod will not show up in the store. All ... Read more
Traffic Trucks – Pack_01 – SndGrdn
Ford F350 Model: coolbeans Chevy Avalanche Model: Sergey54Rus Dodge RAM 1500 Model: Kamis,Jurik traffcVehicle conversions: SndGrdn Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?pgrn1zo42c5bn26 http://www.sendspace.com/file/gy0i32