Tag: SndGrdn
Ford F350

This is the Ford F350 by coolbeans that I’ve converted to a trafficVehicle with a probability of 60 to be loaded when the game spawns a new trafficVehicle. Just put this mod in your mods folder and if you have traffic turned on the game will load this truck as traffic. You can not buy this mod. You can not drive this mod. This mod will not show up in the store. All specializations/scripts have been removed. Credits: Model: coolbeans, using Google Sketchup traffcVehicle conversion: SndGrdn Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?x62ivliw9ykcmws http://www.sendspace.com/file/9c82vp
CaseIH Skinned GregoireBesson XXXL

Added CaseIH Skin Edited script to fix menu, now shows all options GE 4.1.9 Optimized Clean log in SP Credits: Model: Nickell77 Edit and Rescript by: Tubman CaseIH Skin and Menu Fix: SndGrdn Download: http://ul.to/p3zs6pmd
John Deere 7810 2WD – SndGrdn Edit
Modell: Templaer & Wohlstandskind converted to Ls11 by Paldoo EDIT by Frasercow & paldoo Re–Edit by SndGrdn 12/20/2011 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/138096248/b7ec494/JD7810_2WD_SndGrdn_Edit.zip.html
John Deere 7930 SndGrdn Edit
Model, Texture @ Templaer, Wohlstandskind LS 11 @ Stefan ** Beleuchtungs Script V3.1 @ Sven777b ESLimiter Script @ Manuel Leithner OperatingHours Script @ Manuel Leithner MotorIgnition Script @ Templaer ParticleSystem Script @ Schnulla-817 PowerShaftAttacher Script @ Manuel Leithner ShowHelp Script @ Friedrich L. toggleAnimatedParts Script @ Sven777b Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136717932/b31218d/GIANTSContest2011_JohnDeere864.zip.html