Tag: software gmbh
Easter Ohrstedt Map

Credits: GIANTS Software GmbH Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126597599/1dd8e92/Oster-Ohrstedt_Map_V1.zip.html
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2008 Map

Credits: GIANTS Software GmbH Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126134159/66bb513/LS08Map.zip.html
Lamborghini R4 italia

Credits: Modell original:GIANTS Software GmbH. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125234062/618dfae/LamborghiniR4_italia_dual_ago_TIF.zip.html
American Lexion 670, 760TT und 770TT Pack

Credits: Lexion: Modell: Shangri66 Ingame, script: Defender Spezis: Nubsi Edit: Kyosho Skin: F_E516 V1200: Model: Maurermatze Ingame, script: Defender Skin: F_E516 Update: Kyosho Sonnenblumen Schneidwerk: Modell/Textur: Maurermatze Script: GIANTS Software GmbH LS11: Nubsi Skin und Edit: F_E516 Mais Schneidwerk: Model: ? Ingame: Defender Skin:F_E516 Trailer: Modell und Ingame: Exspeed Script: Patar Edit und Skin: F_E516 LS11: Bandit Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124477245/3a4769e/Lexion_US_Pack.rar.html
Same Iron 130 -180.7
Credits: Project, Skin-Texture, in game, fix: Ago–Systemtech. Modell original: GIANTS Software GmbH. Script: Manuel Leithner,Sven777b,Templaer,Mario,modelleicher. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123462143/8b80ed4/SameIron130_180_V1_ago.zip.html
Lamborghini VICTORY 260 v 2 washable [mp]
Credits: By Ago–Systemtech: Project, modelling,Template–Skin, fix, add. scripts. Original model by: GIANTS Software GmbH, Other… Scripts : Manuel Leithner, Robert Hostens, Templaer, Sven777b, zartask, Stefan Geiger Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123043737/c759eeb/Lamborghini_Victorv260_ago_v2.zip.html
Lamborghini VICTORY 260 v 1.2 washable [mp]
Credits: By Ago–Systemtech: Project, modelling,Template–Skin, fix, add. scripts. Original model by: GIANTS Software GmbH, Other… Scripts : Manuel Leithner, Robert Hostens, Templaer, Sven777b, zartask, Stefan Geiger Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122858919/645377b/Lamborghini_Victorv260_ago_v11.zip.html
Credits: Model: GIANTS Software GmbH & Desperados93 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122858481/6a7e661/Ballenstapel.rar.html
Same Diamond 265 V.2 v 2 washable
Credits: Original project Skin, fix, 3D modeling, sound: Ago–Systemtech Base model: Giants Software GmbH , other.. Scripts : Manuel Leithner, Robert Hostens, Templaer, Sven777b, zartask, Stefan Geiger. OperatingHours,Menù,ESLimiter,ManualIgnition,Work light, Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122348336/85641c2/SAMEDIAMONDV2PACK.zip.html
Big Woods Farms v 2 [mp]
This is an edit of the original map, Added new objects and fixed the sell point trigger to accept all fruits. Also added traffic and fixed the vehicle spawn points. Credits: Giants Software GMBH Empty map & triggers – PALAJOS, dodo27 and gnom, LS-UK info liquidmanure-pit & Farmhouse -dodo27 Building Pack – Venom HQ Trees – ??? cattlegrid – willjsavage Silage Berg-johan12,fendtfan1996 alias fendtfan96 Mud-Senator203 Map edit – showgunn84 Download: