Tag: software gmbh
Big Woods Farms

Just a map that i made for myself but thought i would share with the community, has a cowzone but doesn’t produce milk. There are 2 farms and a grain mill. map is made from scratch from empty map 10 fruits. have to sell the modded fruit directly as there is no silos for them. hope you like it as i do. Credits: Giants Software GMBH Empty map & triggers – PALAJOS, dodo27 and gnom, LS-UK info liquidmanure-pit & Farmhouse -dodo27 Building Pack – Venom HQ Trees – ??? cattlegrid – willjsavage Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120868258/136675a/Big_Woods_Farms_OPEN_ME.rar.html
Fendt 936 Vario v2

Description: Model: GIANTS Software GmbH Textures: GIANTS Software GmbH Script: GIANTS Software GmbH Edit: Claas 9000 Download: Fendt 936 Vario v2 [Hotfile.com]
FENDT 820 Vario Greentec (Communal Pack)

Description: Communal Pack By Nemesis Fendt: Modell: Giants Software GmbH, 6630 & M4NN3R Script: Boembchen, Wohlstandskind, Sven18Koehler Umbau:Exspeed Multilonger: Modell, Script: xyzspain Absperwagen: Modell:Max Textur:Speedy11 Ingame: Speedy11 Script: Geri-G/Speedy11 Weight: Modell: meccool76710 Download: FENDT 820 Vario Greentec (Communal Pack) [Hotfile.com]
FERRARI V12 (FENDT 936 Edit)
Description: Modell: GIANTS Software GmbH by:bertram-79 , dietschnnorbert , Livehunter , jessy04 , tiger1234 , tobias95 Download: FERRARI V12 (FENDT 936 Edit) [Hotfile.com] Download: FERRARI V12 (FENDT 936 Edit) [Uploading.com]
Krassort Ballenwagen
Description: Modell: Noppi Textur: sk8mike Script: GIANTS Software GmbH Download: Krassort Ballenwagen [Hotfile.com]
Case IH AF 8010 Pack v2.1
Description: Case Varicut 3050 Model & Texture: Shangri66 Edit Case: Nocsy Script: GIANTS Software GmbH, sven18koehlerEdits: DanielM Bug Fix: Mr. F Biso SWW 9m fitting for V900 Model: Maurermatze Edit: sk8mike,Ryboth, Mr.K Script: MxY.rlp Download: Case IH AF 8010 Pack v2.1 [Hotfile.com] Download: Case IH AF 8010 Pack v2.1 [Uploading.com]
Krone Comprima V180 BB
Description: Model: GIANTS Software GmbH Skin: bertram-79 in ls11: bertram-79 Download: Krone Comprima V180 BB [Hotfile.com] Download: Krone Comprima V180 BB [Uploading.com]
MetalWolf 5M
Description: Modell: Nickel77 Textur: Nickel77 Script: GIANTS Software GmbH Download: MetalWolf 5M [Hotfile.com] Download: MetalWolf 5M [Uploading.com]
Croatian village
Description: GIANTS Software GmbH for Sample Mod Map – Model: Saschii, Texture: Saschii, Ingame: Börndi for Small Cowshed (the cows I used) – Model: MoritzA, Texture: MoritzA, InGame/convertion: Börndi for a Halle Scheune – Sese for the ballenhale that I put over the grain trigger – maciusboss1 for the roads of the village – and everybody else that I did not mentioned (I could not find some autors) Download: Croatian village [Hotfile.com] Download: Croatian village [Uploading.com]
Description: GIANTS Software GmbH LS.11- Download: TTG 27T [Hotfile.com] Download: TTG 27T [Uploading.com]