Tag: Sound Sevorane

Case Maxxum 5150 Pro – Frontloader

Case Maxxum 5150 Pro with frontloader. Price in shop: 35500 Works in MP Credits Model: MF390 Textur:MF390 Sound: Sevorane Script: Headshot XXL, Mr.F LS 11: Gnom EDIT + FL: Albert Wesker

John Deere 7530 Premium 1:1

I can start by telling you that this mod is scaled 1:1. For those of you who have tried the original Modcontest 7530, probably know that it has a bug that dosn’t let you use more than two tools. The way I saw it, it created the bad allocation in length. But the bug is now fixed after careful testing, both multiplayer and single player. The things I’ve done with this trakor are: – Cabsuspension – New front axle, suspended and animated – Changed the tires – Mounted twin beacons – Added lightsAddon V3.1 – Scaled to 1:1 – Rescaled ... Read more

Claas Lexion 750 with Twin Wheels and byable Oilchange v2.0

Modell/Textur: CraigRock / Umbau Kyosho Script/Animation: Face Performance-Tuning: MadMax Sound: Sevorane Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?8v59j04xaxc7d7w http://www.sendspace.com/file/pg55cv

Claas Lexion 750 with byable Twinwheels

Credits: Modell/Textur: CraigRock / Umbau Kyosho Script/Animation: Face Performance-Tuning: MadMax Sound: Sevorane Download: http://ul.to/uxnnrdaa

Claas Lexion 750TT

Modell/Textur: CraigRock / Umbau Kyosho Script/Animation: Face Performance-Tuning: MadMax Sound: Sevorane Download: http://ul.to/3k7sea1i http://uploading.com/files/ff4753m5/ClaasLexion750TT.zip/

John Deere 7530P

Model/Texture: Bigfarmer145 Sound: Sevorane In-game: Geri-G Script: Geri-G/Face Edit: DaleC Testing: JonnyDeere, Danthefarmerboy, David-96, Tomo23 & HaaaaryXD Download: http://ul.to/wfcq9ju7

CASE Maxxum 5150 v1.1

Description: Modell: MF390 Textur: MF390 Sound: Sevorane Script: Headshot XXL, Mr.F Changelog v1.1: – Radcolli höher gestzt gegen aufsetzen – Sound errors gefixt – Bremslicht hinzugefügt – Breakforce erhöht, dass die handbremse auch wirkung zeigt – Collimaske eingetragen, kann nun betankt werden usw. – Ap erkennt mehr foliages (Danke an Kreimy) – Animierter Fl Joystick – Neue Reifen – Größerer Lenkeinschlag – Blinker Rechts is nun richtigrum – Innenraum etwas heller – Fl joint fester Download: CASE Maxxum 5150 v1.1 [Hotfile.com] Download: CASE Maxxum 5150 v1.1 [Uploading.com]

Kirovets Super Pack

Description: Kirovets K 700A Modell: steyr1 Texture,Script: Face, DirtTexture: BigFarmer145 Performance-Tuning: MadMax, Sound: Sevorane Publisher: SFM-Modding, Kolesa: MAC, Edit By: dimaks and Erlan10 Kirovets K 700 modeling and texturing: Brain scripts: Brain Kolesa: MAC Sound: Sevorane and komet Edit by: Erlan10 and dimaks Kirovets K 700A V2 Modell: steyr1 Texture,Script: Face, DirtTexture: BigFarmer145 Performance-Tuning: MadMax, Sound: Sevorane Publisher: SFM-Modding, Edit By: Erlan10 Download: Kirovets Super Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Kirovets Super Pack [Uploading.com]

Kirovets K700

Description: Modell: steyr1 Tuning: MadMax Script: Face Sound: Sevorane DirtTexture: BigFarmer145 Edit Model: STALKER Edit Textures: STALKER Download: Kirovets K700 [Hotfile.com] Download: Kirovets K700 [Uploading.com]

Kirovets K700 Pack

Description: Kirovets K701P: (Modell: steyr1; Texture,Script: Face, DirtTexture: BigFarmer145; Performance-Tuning: MadMax, Sound: Sevorane, Erlan10; Publisher: SFM-Modding, Kolesa: MAC, Edit By: dimaks and Erlan10) Kirovets K700A: (Modell: steyr1; Texture,Script: Face, DirtTexture: BigFarmer145; Performance-Tuning: MadMax, Sound: Sevorane; Publisher: SFM-Modding, Edit By: Erlan10) Download: Kirovets K700 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Kirovets K700 Pack [Uploading.com]