Tag: specializations
Deutz TTV6190 v 2

Description This Deutz TTV6190 comes with brand new wheel rims and tires michelin AXIOBIB and below mentioned specializations. 1.Washable 2.Real Exhausting system 3.Wheel Particle System 4.ESLimiter-KP + / – 5.Manual Ignition-KP Enter 6.All wheel-U 7.Dual Tires-7/8 8.Operating Hours Credits: KROME27 Giants Software
Huerlimann XL130 v 2

Description This is my version 1.1.It Huerlimann XL130 is now with a new dirt skin Washable and has all-wheel specialization. Specializations plus all previous version of 1.It gets dirty after hour.I to hope every one like’s it.PLZ dont upload without permissions Manual Ignition KP Enter Dual Tires7 / 8 U-wheel Credits: Edit By KROME27 Dirt Skin By KROME27 Giants Software
Pack trucks BREMACH T-REX

hello everyone! our team bring to you guys now pack of trucks and minitrucks Bremach This pack contains Bremach t-rex and Bremach 4×4 tractor t-rex Both super engine with turbo v8 special heavy land farms and small and difficult access specializations: adapter or trailer equipped with small and large downforce made alert by script “THOR” has both front hitch to pull stuck vehicles, high beam headlamp functions of fog light warning flashers 4×4 (push button NUM5) specializations Bremach t-rex 4×4: Additional extra weight (of 9) ignition: (kp) enter trailer hitch (kp Cool Megaforce (kp 7) ESLimite (both Bremach’s) pageup and ... Read more
Deutz-Fahr Agroplus 77 – upgraded
I pulled this small fella out of the game install folder mainly to see if I can do some tinkering of my own – integrating specializations, doing the dirt skin tutorial. I liked how it came out, so I decided to share it with the LS community. I know there are a few of these modified 77s out there already, but mine has a good feature list. Specializations: -Manual ignition -Additional Lights: front/rear worklights, indicators, brake and reverse -Odometer -Working hours -ESLimiter -Washable -Wheel particles All key bindings are listed in the on-screen help. Log is error and warning free. ... Read more
Massey Ferguson 5476 BETA
hi everyone here we have my beta edit of Clod and RotoR original massey. specializations Includes ->opening doors and windows ->ES Limiter and Operating Hours ->reflective skin ->front 3 point linkage i have fixed: ->interior camera ->i have lowered the rear linkage for the use of kane trailers -> lowered the rear wheels so they dont go through the wheel arches when driving on rough terran thanks to blowback of giving me the permission to upload my edition of his already great mod Credits original creators –
Here,s the Fendt ive been working on it has the following specializations ES limiter Lightscript v3.1 DynamicExhaustingSystem hydraulicAnimations realisticIndoorCam zylinder Double wheels front activate with 5 Double wheels back activate with 6 Ao Texture A good old Fendt 311 sound Front and back hydraulics PTO attacher Have fun with it cheers Bjorny Credits Scripts:Sven777b,SFM-Modding,modelleicher Wheels:Bullet
Mc Cormick IH 423 India Edition
It is 4wd small/medium sized tractor which is capable of light and heavy work aided by a very tight turning radius making it very maneuverable in tight spaces. Things i edited/added: Almost a complete reskin. Resized the tires. Altered the mod weight. Added front CaseIh toolbox weights. Added Rear wheel weights SPECIALIZATIONS: Selectable 4WD ESlimiter Operating Hours Wheel Particlespec Hireable Ai tractor Plus the basic specializations. Credits Base/Original Model-Saschii Case IH tool box- Modding & Texturing: Cretan-Iceland testing: Stone & Bracker Cretan-Iceland Rear Wheel Weights-Fordson Major Pack
Volvo BM 430
Here’s my edit of the Volvo BM 430! Specializations; ESLimiter manualIgnition worklights Duels weight wheelextra Controls; ESLimiter_plus – key pageup ESLimiter_minus – key pagedown Extrawheels – key 9 Worklight/extralight – key 6 Ignition – key Numpad Enter Weight – key 7 Information; Price; 57400$ Fuel; 95 gallons Twinbeacons Credits Model: Axel_Of_Sweden Ingame: PeterJ Script: Henly and PeterJ Edit 1: Chrille154 Edit 2: Takk (me)
Traffic Packs – RandomPack_02 – SndGrdn
This is the second in the RandomPacks of trafficVehicles I’ve converted them to trafficVehicles. All credit goes to original modelers! These vehicles follow the same traffic rules as the default vehicles, they yield right-of-way, stop at intersections… Just put this mod in your mods folder and if you have traffic turned on the game will load these vehicles as traffic. You can not buy this mod. You can not drive these vehicles. This mod will not show up in the store. All specializations/scripts have been removed. No need to unpack…Just put downloaded .zip file into your mods folder. == DO ... Read more
Traffic Packs – TractorPack_01 – SndGrdn
This is a pack of tractors (by many request) and Yes I did listen…As much as it pains me, there are no John Deere’s in this pack… I’ve converted them to trafficVehicles. All credit goes to original modelers! These tractors follow the same traffic rules as the default vehicles, they yield right-of-way, stop at intersections… Just put this mod in your mods folder and if you have traffic turned on the game will load these tractors as traffic. You can not buy this mod. You can not drive these trucks. This mod will not show up in the store. All ... Read more