Tag: specializations
Ford F350

This is the Ford F350 by coolbeans that I’ve converted to a trafficVehicle with a probability of 60 to be loaded when the game spawns a new trafficVehicle. Just put this mod in your mods folder and if you have traffic turned on the game will load this truck as traffic. You can not buy this mod. You can not drive this mod. This mod will not show up in the store. All specializations/scripts have been removed. Credits: Model: coolbeans, using Google Sketchup traffcVehicle conversion: SndGrdn Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?x62ivliw9ykcmws http://www.sendspace.com/file/9c82vp
Sipma Dromader ( RB Auto Stacker )

Bale trailer for round bales. It is self loading. Specializations: attachable animatedVehicle cylindered fillable Trailer RBAutoStack Credits: Model, Texture: KamilLS Programming: Adri@n Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?1185hate2uhovwd http://www.sendspace.com/file/4rq2rs
Lowboy mod pack

Model: Xentro Texture: Xentro Ingame: Xentro Script: Xentro Specializations used beleuchtung by Sven777b baleAttacher by Geri-G Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/135811621/528194c/alowboy_mod_pack_2_by_xentro.zip.html
CLAAS Lexion 600TT (Washable, AP, MultiGrain)
Description: Modell: shangri66 Änderung: Mario Specializations AP, MultiGrain: Leandrols09 * Waschbar * Füllstandanzeige * Hecktar-Zähler (Heute/Gesamt) * Bremslicht * Rückfahrlicht * Drehzahlbegrenzer * Arbeitslicht hinten/vorne * Eine andere Greenstar (Lightbar) * 4 Cameras (links/rechts neben der Kabine, so sieht man das Schneidwerk übersichtlicher * Neue Sounds (Außensound und Innensound * MultiGrain * AP Download: CLAAS Lexion 600TT (Washable, AP, MultiGrain) [Hotfile.com] Download: CLAAS Lexion 600TT (Washable, AP, MultiGrain) [Uploading.com]
CLAAS Lexion 770 TT Pack
Description: Modell: shangri66 Update: Mario Specializations MultiGrain: Leandrols09 Specializations: Level indicator Hecktar-counter (today / total) Brake light Backing lights Rev Working light rear / front Another Green Star (Lightbar) 4 Cameras (left / right of the cabin, we see the cutter clear New Sounds (Außensound and interior sound) Multi-Grain Download: CLAAS Lexion 770 TT Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: CLAAS Lexion 770 TT Pack [Uploading.com]