Dad\’s Farm
Thanks to Ace Uk for the starter map Venom for the sheds JohnDeere4255 for a few of the buildings sandgroper of the diesl tank, cattle loadout, and fence Deutz Fahr Uk for the squeeze...
Thanks to Ace Uk for the starter map Venom for the sheds JohnDeere4255 for a few of the buildings sandgroper of the diesl tank, cattle loadout, and fence Deutz Fahr Uk for the squeeze...
Thanks to Ace Uk for the starter map Venom for the sheds JohnDeere4255 for the help and a few of the buildings sandgroper of the diesl tank, cattle loadout, and fence mf6160 for the...
Bio plant by CMX earnvale by andrew stanford fuel tank by Sandgroper grainary by SILO-PACK SILOS: bitten MODIFICATIONS: HSSHSS jama corn silio by model Maca script Giants technical asistent Defender mail boxes sugarbeets, carrot,...
Rinderzucht Stall Modell: Google Sketchup Konvertiert und cows only from the stall – Modiviziert By. : Sunsh1ne, Big-M-Lord, Frank Cadillac earnvale by andrew stanford fuel tank by Sandgroper grainary by SILO-PACK SILOS: bitten MODIFICATIONS:...
Base map: Giants, Ace-uk. some signs: Geertyb0y Root belt: bennieboy53 cattle grid/water tank: willjsavage Bale Shed/textures: Farmerl, Dalaid earnvale tractors: andrew stanford weighstation: Psyco cow shed, small bale shed, potato box, feed ring: Deutz...
Description: Leistung: 287KW / 390PS Tankinhalt: 660 Liter Preis: 326500 BeleuchtungV3 MoveAttacher RpmRange PowerShaft Betriebsstundenzähler Zwillingsreifen Allrad Manche Funktionen gehen nur, wenn keine Geräte angekoppelt sind! Credits: Urmod (Fendt Vario 939 V6 IC): Kyosho...
Credits: Venom for the sheds sandgroper of the diesl tank, cattle loadout, and fence Ace_UK for the starter map Loose terror for the cattle trailer Modified Milk mod original by aceofspades and changes by...
Credits: V1.0 Heckhubwerk Zapfwelle Blinker MP Bremslicht Licht Original Sound Beleuchtung der Nummerntafel 25l Tank 3400 LS–Preis Download:
“NOTICE” If your looking for a map that doesn’t have any errors than you need to look aomewhere else. Now the map is about a Balddy cattle operation and farming in the USA. You...