Tag: upload
Rack Pallet v 1.0

Credits: happyfunny21 Original link: http://www.file-upload.net/download-7621593/regal.zip.html
Case Steiger 400 IH v 1.0

Credits: Ginats Streubeheuber / Shippy74 SFM-Modding Tobias F. Original link: http://www.file-upload.net/download-7537252/Case_Steiger_400.zip.html
Huerlimann XL130 v 2

Description This is my version 1.1.It Huerlimann XL130 is now with a new dirt skin Washable and has all-wheel specialization. Specializations plus all previous version of 1.It gets dirty after hour.I to hope every one like’s it.PLZ dont upload without permissions Manual Ignition KP Enter Dual Tires7 / 8 U-wheel Credits: Edit By KROME27 Dirt Skin By KROME27 Giants Software
Bergmann Royal28s Dirt

Description Not my mod i yust upload it Credits Modell: mb trac 100 Textur: mb trac 100/ John Deere 6930 Plane: Kanalratte Script: John Deere 6930 ls2011 Gnom Dirt: iMarwin
Kverneland Taarup 11055C forage wagon by SamN
Description Giants original scripts, accepts grass, dryGrass, and chaff from a forage harvester. MP ready. You are welcome to edit the mod for your personal use. You may not edit the model, skin, or add things on, and then release it, under any circumsatnces. All the textures are 512×512 etc, so they should work with all graphics cards. Please do not change the download link / upload it anywhere else unless you have permission. This mod is protected my copyright laws. (C) SamN 2011 Credits: Model: SamN Texture: SamN Ingame: SamN Scripts: Giants
Trioliet Solomix3 3000 mod
Description A rebuilt version of the Trioliet 2 making it into a Trioliet 3-3000 New Features: Enlarged the body Tandem axle Capacity as per the prototype – 9900kg Rear View Camera added (decoration) Converter script for Grass / Chaff built-in Suitable for feeding the original feeding trough or in barns with the corresponding trigger. Originally posted by Dessileuse Triolet Modle: Hurley Script: @ poc @ lypse Thanks to \”Klaus Klausen\” for allowing me to upload this mod. Credits – Original model – Dessileuse Trioliet Modle: Hurley Script: @ poc @ lypse – Conversion script – Schlosser Hansel
tank gewicht mod
Description this is a frontweight for yuor tractor i only upload it here it come\’s from modhoster Credits Modder: Jesse James LS 011 ready by spider100
Kverneland Wrapper mod
Description This is just the McHale with a re-skin, to look like a Kverneland, i have asked joXXer if i could upload this and confirmed it Credits Model & Script – JoXXer Arm Lockdown-script – Geri-G Original Wrapping baletextures – canadianfarmer Black Wrapping baletextures – Kamao reskin – 01dffs
Fountain v 1
As with the case, should these wells are only for decorative purposes. You can not refill the water trailer there who can modding has, by me the permission to install and upload the. Credits: Ls_Hummel
Tip Alternative Edit
Description Tip Alternative Edit This is an edit of the tip alternative edit packaged in this mod by SFM Modding The main change is the addition of many more fruit types: wheat barley maize rape chaff manure silage sugarbeet potatoes grass silo rye oat sunflower soybean fertilizer gravel sand and carrots The mod is fully multiplayer compatible PLEASE REMOVE ANY OTHER VERSIONS OF THIS MOD FROM YOUR MODS FOLDER Many thanks to SFM modding for allowing us to edit and upload this Credits SFM Modding Edits: The LS-UK Modteam (alwyn, henly20, nishma, peterj, rh, sam123)