Tag: upload

Description this is my edit of bobcat T-320’s NH_W130BTC This loader has 115hp and enclosed cab and a few extra lights for when working in the dark, and uses atandard frontloader attachments and the Albutt loader attachment packs by the LS–UK modteam. what i have done : -> fixed the camera -> fixed all the textures redone some -> improved handling please do not upload any where else you are free to edit for private use only if you have an edit that you would like you upload please ask ever me or bobcat T-320 thank you i would like ... Read more
redrock silage trailers

Description this is a re-skin of Kane 8t Eireagri Edit by davidtractormad features: -> 8t -> beacon -> takes both grass and chaff big thanks to davidtractormad for giving me permission to both edit and upload Eire agri team’s edit of the kane 8t so thanks Credits model:ross texture:ross,bazz ingame (011):henly20 beacon:giants frasercow put new wheels on it for me; lightsaddonv3.1 thanks to Sven777b Edit by wackoo of Eire agri team v3 by WBF-contracting1
Gilibert 1800pro

Thank you for downloading this mod! Here is a Gilibert that I have edited ! Edit : Wheels, different plane for more realism Fruits : rape, wheat, corn, barley, manure, silage, grass You can upload it to other site . I hope you enjoy using it! Credits Credit for the trailers goes to Giants for creating them. fanfans2r1000 for info for edit. Edit pack : Nocsy Script edit: Clampit edit : balow67
Metsjö MetaX
Here is a Annaburger that I have edited to a metsjö ! Edit : Wheels, different plane for more realism Fruits : rape, wheat, corn, barley, manure, silage, grass, fertilizer You can upload it to other site . I hope you enjoy using it! Credits Model Dump: fly-master/xandl1 Model Suspension and wheels: xandl1, balow67 Texture: xandl1, balow67 Ingame / Script: xandl1/SFM-Modding (TowBall) edit: balow67
Massey Ferguson 5476 BETA
hi everyone here we have my beta edit of Clod and RotoR original massey. specializations Includes ->opening doors and windows ->ES Limiter and Operating Hours ->reflective skin ->front 3 point linkage i have fixed: ->interior camera ->i have lowered the rear linkage for the use of kane trailers -> lowered the rear wheels so they dont go through the wheel arches when driving on rough terran thanks to blowback of giving me the permission to upload my edition of his already great mod Credits original creators –
Dooley Trailer
this is a 14 t dooley silage trailer of which i reskinned from the smyth silage trailer pack. trailer accepts grass and chaff,i recieved permission from claasjaguar890 and ross to upload this trailer Credits model: cronolla and ross texture: ross ingame: henly20 reskin:willie2011 original trailer smyth silage trailer pack by claasjaguar890
Ruscon 14T trailer
The ruscon is a trailer i reskinned from the smyth silage trailer pack, it can hold 14 T and accepts chaff and grass,Ruscon trailers are mostly used in nrothern ireland and the uk. was reskinned from claasjaguar890s smyth silage trailer pack and iv recieved permission from claasjaguar890 and ross to upload the trailer Credits model: cronolla and ross texture: ross ingame: henly20 reskin: willie2011 reskinned from claasjaguar890s smyth silage trailer pack
Norwegian Building Pack
Here I have made a small Building pack for you. The pack consist of: -> One Old Norwegian barn. – That has sell triggers for ALL original fruits between the two silos, in front of the door, A baleshredder just inside the barn ( about in the middle of the floor), A Liquid manure trigger, and also a manure heap with trigger. -> One Equipment shed – This one does not have any functions, only a shed for storage of your equipment. -> One small Shed – This one does not have any functions, this is only a small shed ... Read more
Kane 12T
I have had many people ask me to release this trailer, so here it is… It’s nothing special, it’s just a private edit that I have decided to share with everyone. Changes I have made: – Altered it from a 14T to 12T. – Added new wheels. – Altered textures so it is more like the Kane colour. The trailer accept’s Grass and Chaff. Thank you very much for downloading! But please do not upload it to other sites with out correct credits. I have had permission from ClaasJaguar870 to release this mod. Credits Model- ClaasJaguar870 Texture- ClaasJaguar870 Ingaming- ClaasJaguar870 ... Read more
Valmet 502 By: FV-Modding [MP]
—————————————————————– Features: —————————————————————– -Manual ignition -Worklights -You can hide/unhide double wheels by pressing 8 and 9 -Buyable frontweight -Buyable side sheets -Buyable front mudguards -Four different versions (Two with FL and two without FL) -Wheelparticles -1:1 Scale -MP-Ready —————————————————————– Thanks —————————————————————– We thank everybody who have involved in this project. We thank also for the nice comments. —————————————————————– Editing —————————————————————– You can edit this mod only in your own use and you are not allowed to ingame anything on this. —————————————————————– Uploading —————————————————————– Do not upload this to any other sites without our permission! —————————————————————– Copyrights(©) —————————————————————– FV-Modding 2012 (Farmari99 ... Read more