Tag: website
Ford TW35

I found this on another website and thought i should share it on ls-uk. A fine machine for any job around the farm ;)No matter what the size Cheesy Special effects : Twin Wheels Twin Beacons and choose between either a front weight or front linkage! working speed display Horn Motorised steerable hireable Credits Original Uploader: Flemming83 Trelleborg: Luis Exhaust: oothomsen twin wheels: MB Belygtnung v3: Sven777b
Rolland Turbo140 (old and new color)

Thank you for downloading this mod! Here is a lovely Rolland turbo140 that I have make! What I do : real sized, real color (check in armor chimie website) Credits: author : @poc@lypse modell : balow67 texture : balow67 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?c9d3a63y6pvo695 http://www.sendspace.com/file/7qvpct
Riba V1

This is my first map. There are 10 fruits: Greenweat Potato Sugerbeat Sunflower Soyabean Cotton and the original fruits, milk mod weed mod Thank you for downloading! Credits: map – palajos, dodo27, gnom, LS–UK info silos – TheOman watertriguer – Modelo: Katsuo / Giants Script: John Deere 6930 Milchsilo – Modders: mosca-mestre de textura: mosca mestre-jogo: mosca-master Milk Mod – Acert potato, sugarbeet shed – WarnLamb triggers – cadaver LS–UK website modhoster website Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/jycdvj
Cattle Feeder
Model. Tommy23 (LSUK Forum) Please Do Not upload to any other website! Lol! If you do ignore.Please give a link/reference to LSUK as the source. Thankyou. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137563544/486ea87/CattleFeeder.zip.html
MAN vorlauf for ETS
Introduction: MAN vorlauf for ETS by SZW. Author’s website:http://ngetf.phpbb8.de. have fund with the MAN! Install: put scs file into mod directory, then everything should be ok. Credits: by SZW Download: MANvorlaufbySZW.rar (6.21 MB)