Tag: weight
HE-VA 300 Front Pakker

Description Here is a HE-VA 300 (3m) Front Pakker. Features: – Animated supportpillars – instead of cultivating it sprays your fields – used-look – realistic meassurements and weight of 1,9400 kg Credits Modell/Textur: Katsuo Ingame/Script: John Deere 6930
Claas Cutter Pack V 2.5 Washable
Description The pack consists of: Vario 1200 Auto-Contour (real weight 3820 kg / 1545 kg game) Vario 1050 Auto-Contour (real weight 3510 kg / game Kg 1,514) 900 Vario Auto Contour (real weight 2870 kg / 1501 kg game) 750 Vario Auto Contour (real weight 2400 Kg / Kg game 1,476) All the reapers: Animation collection Laser foldable (press “L”) Adjustable reel (“N” key) Washable Auto-Contour Credits: * Bandit * Urmodder the southwest (not known)
Pöttinger Jumbo 10000L
Description Features: – Fully animated slate floor – Trailing axle – Animated tailgate – Animated steering linkage with real ball hitch – Fully Animated Pickup – FillType: Grass – Capacity: 50,000 liters – Minimum required standard tractor: Deutz M620 Agrotron including front weight 900kg Credits alexsXD SFM–Modding
New Holland front weight 2.O tons mod
Description it has a weight of exactly 2.0 tons and can be taken with a normal three points on the tractor. Credits LS 011: Timo “Black Spider” new texture: Timo “Black Spider” Script: Timo “Black Spider” incl game test runs: Timo “Black Spider”
JCB Fastrac 8310 v 3
Description New gear now running 75 km / h second engine sound Reverse Sound Trailer ads go now in Hud New Tractor logo (JCB Fastrac 8310) in Hud more weight Store data and prices adjusted Credits: Convert and Edit by Dzanito
Claas Xerion weight v 1.1 mit Zusatzgewichten
Description Here I have the front weight of the Claas Xerion for you. It has, like the original, a hitch. Credits: ice_dealer
Pöttinger Euro Boss 330T v 1
one Pöttinger Euro Boss 330T Wagon in scale 1:1. Because We missed a little small Wagon from Farming Simulator 011, we have him unceremoniously rewritten yesterday. He is not yet final, a few small changes in the near future he will get even more (I like the particle system is not 100% sure), but here it is for now. Fully functional, error free, UV errors, (compared Eisntellungen from the manufacturer’s site) with LS13 wheels, 21300l load volume and a DIN curb weight of 2700kg. It can load wheat and barley straw, grass and hay. He also received at 2, 3 ... Read more