Tag: weight
Weight plate v 1 byHarry

yes here is the well-known sign in the weight of ls11 I have brought for you in the 13 Credits: wolfgang
weight with warning light mod

Description this and a weight for tractors with warning lights and soon, especially for farm map accer, only functions as weight and warning light! Credits theayltontg angell gl reeditado por theayltontg Ptitminus73
Deutz 7545 Special v 2.5

Features: – Baler directly integrated – Ballencouter integrated – Fixed bunker capacity to 12500 – – Ball content to 500, production is set to 0.5 and weight to 0.25 – Fixed price at € 333,000 – Credits: die_eine_oder_keine
Schwarzenberg Ballcarts v 2.0

Specifications: 3-axis Ballenstransportwagen, Total weight about 18 tons, Payload to about 13.7, Weight about 4.3 tons, Lift grille, front and rear, Platform length 9.70 m, 40 km / h version with 2-circuit compressed air system, Storage box for tools and straps for Bale transporter, Credits: mod von acert
More Realistic Houle 6100
Description Frasercow‘s Houle 6100 has now been converted to work with Dural’s More Realistic Mod. The slurry tanker originally appeared in Frasercow‘s Houle Tanker pack and has been converted with kind permissions. The original mod has been preserved and only dynamics related changes have been made. Modifications include correct scaling and physics dimensions and weight distribution as well as dynamic traveling values, such as breaking and suspension adjustment. This tank fills from the hole in the top and is best used with Frasercow‘s Houle fill stand. The Houle fill stand must be attached to the manure pit via Giants Editor. ... Read more
John Deere 8360R ILS v2.0.1
hi all i make this little update 8360R ILS v2.0.1 real normal wheel front loader quicke Q98 jd-shovel jd weight —————————————- on this pack you have: 1x jd 8360r ils updated 1x quicke Q98 control on mice 1x jd weight 1x jd shovel -3 camera -light attacher: -rear powerShaftAttacher -front/rear 3 points -trailer —————————————- update: adjust real wheel scale adjust suspention adjust center mass adjust radius add and adjust rear 3 point adjust front weight attacher add and adjust wheel weight ————————————— key: -3 points up/down -V -light -F -attacher-Q -W forward -A turn left -S reverse -D right ———————————— ... Read more
Ford TW35
I found this on another website and thought i should share it on ls-uk. A fine machine for any job around the farm ;)No matter what the size Cheesy Special effects : Twin Wheels Twin Beacons and choose between either a front weight or front linkage! working speed display Horn Motorised steerable hireable Credits Original Uploader: Flemming83 Trelleborg: Luis Exhaust: oothomsen twin wheels: MB Belygtnung v3: Sven777b
John Deere 8360R 1:1 + Quicke Q98
hi all,8360R update -remake the front hood more real -add and adjust wide wheel and rear dual -add and adjust front loader linkage -adjust front loader -adjust center mass -adjust suspention -adjust speed -adjust density -removed weight ————————————– on this mod you have: -new front loader quicke Q98 control on mice -light -3 camera attacher : -rear powerShaftAttacher -front/rear 3 points -trailer ————————————- key : -3 points up/down -V -light -F -attacher-Q -W forward -A turn left -S reverse -D right ———————————— specialisation : -frontloader -motorized -steerable -hirable -aiTractor -honk Credits special thx to Napalm for convert this model from ... Read more
David Brown 1690 ver1.2
David Brown 1690 made by opelman. I has realease permit from him. ver 1.2 Updates:smaller file size, new hood, new tires,added some details, dynamic exhaust, power shaft attacher Mod has basic functions: ESlimiter, openable doors, duals, front weight, controlPanelAttacher, manualIgnition, openable windows Switchable 4X4 Traction, dynamic exhaust, powershaft attacher press “5” to start the tractor press “6” to turn on worklights and press again to turn them off press “7” to put on or remove weights press “8” to turn 4×4 on/off press “9” to put on rear dual wheels press num1 open/close left door press num2 open/close right door ... Read more
Case International 1594
Case International 1594 By opelman I has realease permit from him. This Case Ih is very good on ploughing. This Mod has next functions: Ploughing specs. Washable, powerShaftAttacher, Dynamic Exhaust particle, Wheelparticles, Interactive control panel, Wheel tracks, ESlimiter, openable doors, duals, front weight, controlPanelAttacher, openable windows, Switchable 2×2 Traction, Drive direction Change, hours, press “5” to 2×2 Traction on/off press “6” to turn on worklights and press again to turn them off press “7” to put on or remove weights press “8” to put on right dual wheel press “9” to put on left dual wheel press O to change ... Read more