Tagged: XXL


Agro map Romania

This map is my first project and I hope you enjoy my work 4 months! Are initially lasted so long but I think that went well against other beginners because I did not hurry!...


Rural Life Map Edit DLC2

This is a good Medium sized map with good sized fields, gravel roads, paved roads, cows, a river, mud holes, Original Fruits and 2 farms one for your equipment and the other to sell...


Claas Jaguat 900 FS

Jaguar 900 Field Shuttle: Base-Model: Yekk1/BigFarmer145 Texture: BigFarmer145/LordTex/ Base-Scripts: raptor, Arnold, Headshot XXL Midsteering by Zippo Manualignition by Templaer –> @LS11 by Andreas Schneider jlichterscript von Headshot XXL washable, ESLimiter, Operatinghours by Manuel Leithner...


Glenvar xxl v1.0

Modhostergemeinde love, I removed the port and transferred to the yard sale. It has only one large silo with a lot of BGA‘s, where you can be the straw ensiled. For the BGA Skripe...


Farm Hundimetsa V3

Edit by Venom and by Metsavend. Scripts: potato/sugarbeet by Wernesgrüner. weed by Headshot XXL/ Burner. Bale Destroy Prices by TwistedGA. Buildings and objects by GIANTS,by Venom,by ar1g3,by Axel_of_Sweden,by DESCH,by juketsu,by Claas01,by sketchup,by dodo27 ,by...