New Holland 8340
Year 1994.
Scale 1.15:1. Next weekend 16-17/06 i’ll release the 1:1 version.
Detail description:
Ignition Key: KeyPad Enter (twice)
Back Window: KeyPad Key 8
Left Door: KeyPad Key 7
Right Door: KeyPad Key 9
Front Worklights: KeyPad Key 5
Back Worklights: KeyPad Key 6
Direction Lights, Alarm etc: KeyPad Keys 1,2,3
Beacon: Key Home
CounterWeights: Key 5
Fenders Visibility: Key 6 (Only for 7740 and 5640)
Manual Gearbox (Optional): Press Key SPACE to alter the gearbox to the default gearbox with ES limiter function.
Operations with Clutch:
Clutch: Key LeftShift
Neutral: Mouse Middle Button
Group1 (Gears 1-4): Mouse Right Button (Only for 7740 and 5640)
Group1 (Gears 1-4): Key PageDown (Only for 6640)
Group2 (Gears 5-8): Mouse Left Button (Only for 7740 and 5640)
Group1 (Gears 5-8): Key PageUp (Only for 6640)
Slow/Fast Gears: Key LeftAlt
Operations without Clutch:
UpShift: Mouse Left Button (Only for 7740 and 5640)
UpShift: Key PageUp (Only for 6640)
DownShift: Mouse Right Button (Only for 7740 and 5640)
DownShift: Key PageDown (Only for 6640)
Model: Johnk1977
Texture: Johnk1977
Model – Textures Edit: Mythos
Script: Mythos
Animated Hydraylics by Boembchen
Operating Hours by Manuel Leithner
Manual Ignition by Templaer
Ford8340 by Mythos
Extra Lights by Sven777b
PTO Attacher by Manuel Leithner
Extra Exhaust Particles by Schnulla-817
Wheel Particles
Ford8340 Gearbox by Mythos
Internal Sounds by Knagsted
Extra Weights by Mythos
ES limiter by Manuel Leithner
Washable Script by Manuel Leithner
What this mod gives to you
Farming Simulator 2019 mods are unique improvements in the gameplay. They allow you to translate into reality something you previously only dreamed of. Get the most out of the game. Farming Simulator 17 Mod is pretty simple to install, download the file to your computer and run it. Each FS 17 mod will give you improvements, so select the category you like and add the mod to your version. Installing the add-on does not take much time, and you will continue to enjoy the game for a long time.